general documentation
Running a calculation

Step by step preparation

This paragraph summarizes the different steps which are necessary to prepare and run a standard case:

  • Check the version of code_saturne set for use in the environment variables (code_saturne info --version). If it does not correspond to the desired version, update the user environment or aliases to use the required version, logging out of the session and in again if necessary (cf. setting up you environment).

  • Prepare the different directories using the GUI or `code_saturne create` command .

  • It is recommended to place the mesh(es) in the MESH directory, but they may be selected from other directories, either with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) or the cs_user_scripts.py file (see below). Make sure they are in a supported format. There can be several meshes in case of mesh joining, code coupling, or simply parametric studies.

  • Switch to the DATA directory and start the GUI using the following command: ./code_saturne gui

  • If not using the GUI or when requiring additional advanced settings, copy the DATA/REFERENCE/cs_user_scripts.py file to DATA and edit it, so that the correct run options and paths may be set. Just as with user-defined functions described later, settings defined in this file have priority over those defined through the GUI;

  • Before running a full simulation, it is recommended to check the mesh using one of the mesh import or preprocessing execution modes;

  • Define the computation settings, preferably using the GUI.

  • If needed, place in the DATA directory the different external data files which may be necessary;

  • Place the necessary user source files in the SRC directory
    • those files can be copied from the references in SRC/REFERENCE, and are documented in the files section of this documentation;
    • it is recommended that only settings which cannot be defined through the GUI be defined through these files; Note that GUI settings and user-defined functions can be combined, with user-defined settings having priority.
    • code snippets can often be cherry-picked and adapted from the many available user examples; avoid copying unneeded sections from examples, as they make the code harder to read and maintain;
    • all files with a .c, .f90, or. C++ extension in SRC will be compiled and linked with the code at execution;
    • avoid placing non-user files (modified or not) from the main code_saturne source tree in SRC, unless specifically provided by the core development team as a temporary patch for an issue, as this can cause more or less subtle issues, and removes any semblance of quality control.

  • Execution parameters for the current system may be defined either using the GUI or editing the relevant `run.cfg` file sections;

  • Run the calculation and analyze the results

  • Remember to occasionally, purge temporary or unneeded files (in RESU/<run\_id>) (or in the <scratch>/<run_id> temporary execution directory if set).

Execution modes

As explained before, code_saturne is composed of several main modules, including the Preprocessor and the Solver. The Preprocessor reads the meshes. The resulting data is transferred to the Solver through specific files, usually named mesh_input.csm or having the .csm extension, or placed in a directory named mesh_input when multiple meshes are imported. Files simply named mesh_input or mesh_output from older versions may also be used.

Since the Preprocessor does not run in parallel and may require a large amount of memory, the various execution modes allow minimizing its use or running it separately. This also allows preprocessing meshes using code_saturne builds with support for specific file formats, and using them on another machine with a minimal build not supporting those same formats.

Currently, the code_saturne GUI allows for 4 different execution modes under the Mesh page:

  • mesh import: the Preprocessor is run to transform one or more meshes into an internal mesh_input.csm file (or mesh_input directory in case of multiple meshes). The Solver is not run;
  • mesh preprocessing: the Solver is run in preprocessing mode, so as to handle all mesh modification operations, such as joining, periodicity, smoothing, etc. If a mesh_input.csm file or mesh_input directory is provided, it is used directly; otherwise, the Preprocessor is run first to import meshes;
  • mesh quality criteria: similar to preprocessing, with the addition of mesh quality criteria computation, and post-processing output of those criteria. Some additional mesh consistency checks are also run;
  • standard: this includes preprocessing, followed by a standard computation.

At a lower level, the launch scripts allow specifically choosing which modules to run, either through the GUI or through the cs_user_scripts.py file:

  • If an input file or directory is defined (which may be either a mesh_input or mesh_input.csm from a previous Preprocessor run or a mesh_output.csm from a previous Solver run, the script will copy or link it to the execution directory, and the Preprocessor will not be run again;
  • If domain.exec_kernel = False in cs_user_scripts.py, the Solver will not be run. This is useful when only the mesh import stage is required, so as to emulate the GUI's mesh import only mode;
  • When running a follow-up computation (restarted from a previous computation), preprocessing in general is avoided, and the mesh_input.csm file from the previous checkpoint directory is used. This behavior can be modified in the GUI (under "Mesh/Execution mode", un-checking "Use unmodified checkpoint mesh in case of restart", or setting domain.preprocess_on_restart = True in cs_user_scripts.py). This may be useful in 2 cases:
    • when the pre-processed mesh has not been saved from a previous run (usually so as to save disk space)
    • when the computation restarted from used a different mesh than the current one (to which data will be interpolated).

In a similar manner, the Solver accepts several command-line options relative to execution mode, notably `domain.solver_args = '–preprocessor–quality`, restricting the run to the preprocessing stages, or preprocessing stages augmented by mesh quality criteria computation. Whenever the preprocessing stages defined lead to an effective mesh modification, a mesh_output.csm file is produced, which can be used directly as an input for a successive calculation, unless deactivated using the GUI (unckecking "Save mesh if modified by preprocessing") or using the cs_user_mesh_save user-defined function.

To allow preprocessing in multiple passes, all defined preprocessing operations may be allowed on previously preprocessed meshes, as described above.

It is encouraged to separate the preprocessing and calculation runs, as this not only speeds up calculations, but also ensures that the mesh is identical, regardless of the architecture or number of processors it is run on. Indeed, when running the same preprocessing stages such as mesh joining on a different machine or a different number of processors, very minor floating-point truncation errors may lead to very slightly different preprocessed meshes. The GUI option to "Use unmodified checkpoint mesh in case of restart" encourages this usage.

Note also that mesh partitioning is done directly by the Solver. Depending on the partitioning algorithm used, a partition map (partition_output/domain_number_*) may be output, allowing the use of the same partitioning in future calculations. By default, this file is output when using graph-based partitioners, which may use randomization and do not guarantee a reproducible output, and is not output when using a deterministic space-filling curve based partitioning.

If the code was built only with a serial partitioning library, graph-based partitioning may best be run in a serial preprocessing stage. In some cases, serial partitioning might also provide better partitioning quality than parallel partitioning, so if both are available, comparing the performance of the code may be worthwhile, at least for calculations expected to run for many iterations.

Execution steps

Each calculation (whether run from the GUI or using code_saturne run) is split into the following execution steps:

  • initialize
    • stage
      • Create RESU/<run-id> directory
      • Copy data from DATA to RESU/<run-id>
      • Copy user sources from SRC to RESU/<run-id>/src, and compile them.
    • initialize
      • Import meshes using Preprocessor (serial) tool to mesh_input*
      • For Syrthes couplings, partition Syrthes mesh.
      • Generate run_solver mini-script for execution stage.
  • compute
    • Execute run_solver mini-script: sets module or environment variables, runs MPI or serial command;
  • finalize
    • Cleanup only when previous stages successful: remove executable and possibly other user-specified files.

By default, all steps are executed. If some stages are specified, by adding --stage, --initialize, --compute, and/or --finalize to the code_saturne run options, only steps between the first and last one specified are executed.

Job submission on cluster

The initialize step itself can be split into two sub-steps, so that when submitting a run to a batch system (using the GUI or the code_saturne submit command), stage is run interactively, and the following steps are executed:

  • run the stage step immediately;
  • switch to RESU/<run-id> directory;
  • generate runcase script based on run.cfg parameters, containing batch directives and a code_sature run --id <run_id> command removing the (already done) --stage step;
  • submit the runcase script

This allows errors in data paths (such as incorrect restart paths) or user-defined sources to be detected immediately, before the job is submitted, and also modifying the base setup without impacting an already submitted job. On some HPC systems, the compilers may also be available only on the front-end nodes, so this also avoids possible issues related to trying to compile user-defined functions and re-link the code from a compute node.

Computation restart

As some computations may require long run times it is possible to run a computation in multiple steps using a checkpoint/restart mechanism.

By default, a running computation produces a checkpoint directory containing several files:

  • mesh.csm contains the preprocessed mesh
  • main.csc contains the values of the main fields.
  • auxiliary.csc contains additional field values, such as mass fluxes, which are needed for a perfectly continuous restart, but not absolutely necessary.
  • possible additional files based on the active physical models (radiative_transfer, lagrangian, lagrangian stats, ...).

This directory can be used as restart directory for a subsequent computation (this can be easily defined in the GUI or in the additional cs_user_scripts.py user scripts).

If the code cannot find one or several elements of data required for the calculation restart, default values are then used. If the number of faces has been modified (for instance in case of modification of the mesh merging or of periodicity), reading the auxiliary restart file should be deactivated (in the GUI or setting cs_glob_restart_auxiliary->read_auxiliary to false).

Checkpoint files are binary, but their contents can be queried and dumpled using the code_saturne bdump command, and compared using code_saturne bdiff.

When running in parallel, data is read and written in in partitioning-independent manner, based on element global numbers, so restarting can be transparently done on a different number of processes, or using a different partitioning. When the mesh is assembled from multiple files, the global element numbers are assigned in sequence, so the order of assembly should not be modified between standard restarts.

It is possible to restart a computation that was run using a different mesh. In that case, the original mesh.csc file must also be provided along with the restart directory (in most cases, it should be already be present in the matching checkpoint directory).

Checkpointing of the mesh and various files may usually be deactivated globally, or using parameters specific to each file.

Note also that when unchanged between succeeding computations, the mesh.csm file is linked (in the Unix/Linux/POSIX) sense rather than copied: when as long as checkpoint directories are present on the sale file system, the files are shared rather than actually copied, to save space.

Interactive modification of selected parameters

During a calculation, it is possible to interactively modify the time step or time value limit defined in the setup. To do so, a file named control_file must be placed in the execution directory. The existence of this file is checked at the beginning of each time step.

To change the maximum number of time steps, this file must contain a line indicating the value of the new limit number of time steps. If this new limit has already been reached, code_saturne will stop properly at the end of the current time step (the results and checkpoint/restart files will be written correctly). This procedure allows the user to stop a calculation in a clean and interactive way whenever needed.

The control_file may also contain a few other commands, allowing the user to force checkpointing or post-processing at a given time step or physical time, or to force an update of log files. The following commands are available (using the common notations "`< >`" to indicate a required argument, "`[ ]`" to indicate an optional argument).

control_file syntax
command arguments
max_time_step <time_step_number>
max_time_value <time_value>
max_wall_time <wall_time>
checkpoint_time_step <time_step_number>
checkpoint_time_value <time_value>
checkpoint_wall_time <wall_clock_time>
checkpoint_time_step_interval <time_step_interval>
checkpoint_time_value_interval <time_interval>
checkpoint_wall_time_interval <wall_time_interval>
control_file_wtime_interval <wall_time_interval>
flush [time_step_number]


postprocess_time_step <time_step_number> [writer_id]
postprocess_time_value <time_step_value> [writer_id]
time_step_limit <time_step_count>

The time_step_limit differs from the max_time_step command, in the sense that it allows reducing the maximum number of time steps, but not increasing it. Also, in the case of a restart, it refers to the number of additional time steps, not to the number of absolute time steps. It is used mainly by the Studymanager component.

Note that for the postprocess_time_* options, the last argument (writer_id) is optional. If not defined, or 0, postprocessing is activated for all writers; if specified, only the writer with the specified id is affected. Also, postprocessing output by one ore more writers at a future time step may be cancelled using the negative value of that time step.

For the flush option, the time step is also optional. If not specified, logs and time plots are updated at the beginning of the next time step. Also, if the control_file is empty (such as when created by the touch control_file command on Unix/Linux systems, a flush request for the next time step.

Multiple entries may be defined in this file, with one line per entry.

Environment variables

Setting some environment variables allows modifying code_saturne's default behavior. The environment variables relevant to and specific to code_saturne are described here:

General environment variables relevant to code_saturne

Variable Role
OMP_NUM_THREADS Set the number of OpenMP threads if supported (OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 for single-threaded behavior). This variable is normally set by the run scripts and GUI when OpenMP support is available.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Search path for locate shared libraries. Needed in many cases to locate libraries outside the default system paths
LD_PRELOAD List of dynamic libraries to load before all others. This allows experimenting with other versions of these libraries without recompiling the code, or to load debugging libraries. This may be risky in case of incompatible library versions.
PATH Search path for executable

Note that the path management variables may be modified by the code_saturne scripts, but also by other scripts, wrappers, and environment modules when present (which is the case on many HPC systems).

To determine which shared libraries are used by an executable file (and whether they are found using the currently loaded environment), use the following command: ldd <executable_path>.

Environment variables specific to the code_saturne environment

Variable Role
CS_SCRATCHDIR Allows defining the execution directory (see temporary directory),overriding the default path or settings from the global or user code_saturne.cfg.
CS_MEM_LOG Allows defining a file name in which memory management based on the BFT_MALLOC, BFT_REALLOC, and BFT_FREE is logged (useful to check for some memory leaks).
CS_MPIEXEC_OPTIONS This variable allows defining extra arguments to be passed to the MPI execution command by the run scripts. If this option is defined, it will have priority over the value defined in the preferences file (or by computed defaults), so if necessary, it is possible to define a setting specific to a given run using this mechanism. This may be useful when tuning the installation to a given system, for example experimenting MPI mapping and "bind to core" type features.
CS_RENUMBER Deactivating mesh renumbering in the Solver is possible by setting CS_RENUMBER=off.
CATALYST_ROOT_DIR Indicate where the ParaView Catalyst libraries are installed; the associated library path is added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH by the low-level Solver launch script, but does not otherwise interfere with the user's normal environment
CATALYST_LD_ADD_PATH Indicate where additional libraries needed by ParaView Catalyst may be found; this path is added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH by the low-level Solver launch script, but does not otherwise interfere with the user's normal environment
CATALYST_PLUGIN_PATH Indicate where additional libraries needed by ParaView Catalyst may be found; the low-level Solver launch script sets PV_PLUGIN_PATH to this value, which does not otherwise interfere with the user's normal environment

Environment variables specific to the Preprocessor

Note that in general, if a given behavior is modifiable through an environment variable rather than by a command-line option, it has little interest for a non-developer, or is expected to be needed only in exceptional cases.

Variable Role
CS_PREPROCESS_MEM_LOG Allows defining a file name in which memory allocation, reallocation, and freeing is logged.
CS_PREPROCESS_MIN_EDGE_LEN Under the indicated length ( 10-15 by default), an edge is considered to be degenerate and its vertices will be merged after the transformation to descending connectivity. Degenerate edges and faces will thus be removed. Hence, the post-processed element does not change, but the Solver may handle a prism where the preprocessor input contained a hexahedron with two identical vertex couples (and thus a face of zero surface). If the Preprocessor does not print any information relative to this type of correction, it means that it has not been necessary. To completely deactivate this automatic correction, a negative value may be assigned to this environment variable.
CS_PREPROCESS_MEM_IGNORE_IDEAS_COO_SYS If this variable is defined and is a strictly positive integer, coordinate systems in I-deas universal format files will be ignored. The behavior of the Preprocessor will thus be the same as that of versions 1.0 and 1.1. Note that in any case, non Cartesian coordinate systems are not handled yet.

Running the solver directly

In the standard cases, the compilation of code_saturne main program (cs_solver) nd its execution are entirely controlled by the launch script (using the code_saturne run or code_saturne submit command). The command line options for (cs_solver) are passed through user modifiable variables at the beginning of the cs_user_scripts.py file, if present (if needed, it may be copied from a case's DATA/REFERENCE subdirectory to its DATA directory; it may also be copied from the ${install_prefix}/share/code_saturne directory). This way, the user only has to fill these variables and does not need to search deeply in the script for the solver command line. For more advanced usage, the main options are described below.

Solver executable program

The executable of the main solver is named cs_solver. This program may usually be found under ${install_prefix}/libexec/code_saturne on most Linux systems (or ${install_prefix}/lib/ on some systems such as OpenSUSE).

Whenever user-defined functions are used, a modified version of this program is generated, including the user-defined functions. This is usually handled by the run script, but can be done direclty using the code_saturne compile command, and generates a cs_solver executable program directly in the current directory.

The list of Command-line options for the code_saturne compile command may be obtained by calling code_saturne compile --help. The most useful options are -t or --test (test compilation only, without generating the program) and -s <source_path> or --source <source_path>.

The code_saturne compile command always compiles all C, Fortran, and C++ files from the specified directory (or current directory if not specified) and links them with the installed library so as to produce a new cs_solver with the compiled files. Unless forced, when no such files are present, no program is generated, unless the -f or --force option is used.

Additional options allow adding additional compile or link flags.

Solver command line options

It may be practical (especially when debugging) to run the cs_solver directly. A complete and up-to-date list of command-line options may be obtained by running ./cs_solver --help (or ${install_prefix}/libexec/code_saturne --help).

The various command-line options are detailed here:

  • --app-name

    Specifies the application name. This is useful only in the case of code coupling, where the application name is used to distinguish between different code instances launched together.

  • -wdir, --wdir

    Specifies the working directory that should be used (used for code coupling, where each computational domain is assigned a specific sub-directory).

  • --mpi

    Specifies that the calculation is running with MPI communications. The number of processes used will be determined automatically by the solver. With most MPI implementations, the code will detect the presence of an MPI environment automatically, and this option is redundant. It is only kept for the rare case in which the MPI environment might not be detected.

  • --sig-defaults

    Use default runtime behavior when signals are received rather than code_saturne's own signal handlers.

  • --preprocess

    Triggers the preprocessing-only mode. The code may run without any additional setup (parameter file or user function), though the user-defined setup may modify its default behavior. Only the initial operations such as mesh joining and modification are executed.

  • --quality

    Triggers the mesh verification mode.

    This mode is similar to the preprocessing-only mode, and includes the preprocessing stages, adding elementary tests:

    • Quality criteria of the mesh are calculated (non-orthogonality angles, internal faces off-set, ... and corresponding visualizable post-processing output is generated.
    • A few additional mesh consistency tests are run.
  • --benchmark

    Triggers the benchmark mode, for a timing of elementary operations on the machine.

    A secondary --mpitrace can be added. It is to be activated when the benchmark mode is used in association with an MPI trace utility. It restricts the elementary operations to those implying MPI communications and does only one of each elementary operation, to avoid overfilling the MPI trace report. This command can also be placed in the domain.solver_args variable in the cs_user_scripts.py when using this mode with the high-level run script is desired.

  • --logp

    Activates the output for the processors of rank 1 to n-1 in a calculation in parallel on N processors to files run_solver_rxxxx.log where xxxx is the rank id.

  • --trace

    Activates the tracing of the output to the standard output.

  • --system-info

    Print system information and exit.

  • --version

    Print version number and exit.

  • -h, --help

    Displays a summary of the different command line options.