general documentation
Case directory structure


This page describes the directory structure used by code_saturne to handle case data, model and numerical parameters, and run options.

To create a case, either the GUI or the code_saturne create command can be used. As usual for all code_saturne commands, the code_saturne create --help will list the available options. More details are provided in the dedicated case generator section.

Organization and set-up of code_saturne computations is based on several concepts:

  • A study is a group of related cases, usually sharing a common mesh or family of meshes;
  • A case represents a given computation, and represents the base level of a simulation;
  • A run represents a given computational step. Successive runs in a given case may represent simple restarts of the same setup to compute additional time steps, may involve setup modifications, or both.

Standard directory hierarchy

Studies, cases, and runs are usually organized in a standardized directory structure, allowing a good traceability of computations while trying to minimize duplication of large files. While the execution of the solver itself could uses a 'flat' structure, with prescribed file names, the GUI and high level code_saturne commands assume the standard structure is used.

The standard architecture for the simulation studies is:

An optional study directory containing:

  • A MESH directory containing the required mesh(es)
  • A POST directory for post-processing scripts (not used directly by the code)
  • One or several calculation directories

Every calculation directory contains:

  • A DATA directory for the setup data (xml file from the GUI, input profiles, thermo-chemical data, ...).
  • A SRC directory for user-defined functions (C or Fortran)
  • A RESU directory for the computation results

To improve the calculation traceability, the files and directories sent to RESU after a calculation are placed in a sub-directory named after that run's id, which is by default based on the run date and time, using the format: YYYYMMDD-hhmm. It is also possible to force a specific run id, using the --id option of code_saturne run.

Below are typical contents of a case directory Case1 in a study Study:

Example study and case directory structure

Coupled computation hierarchy

For coupled calculations, whether with code_saturne itself or Syrthes, each coupled calculation domain is defined by its own directory (bearing the same name as the domain), but results are placed in a RESU COUPLING directory, with a sub-directory for each run, itself containing one sub-directory per coupled domain.

Coupled cases are run through the standard the code_saturne run command, but require a coupling parameters file (coupling parameters.py) specified using the --coupling option. The run command must be called from the top-level (Study) directory, so an additional Study/run.cfg file is also used in this case. Note that case-local scripts (such as Study/Domain_1/DATA/run.cfg) are still used by the master script to determine which parameter file to use. So in the coupled case, calculation results would not be placed in Study/Domain_1/RESU/YYYYMMDD-hhmm, but in Study/RESU_COUPLING/YYYYMMDD-hhmm/Domain_1, with the summary file being directly placed in Study/RESU_COUPLING/YYYYMMDD-hhmm (as it references all coupled domains).

The following example illustrates a coupled case with one code_saturne domain (named Fluid) and one Syrthes domain (named Solid):

Example study directory structure with Syrthes coupling

Files Copied and referenced by a run

When running a case, a new entry in RESU (or RESU_COUPLING) is generated, based on a run_id, which can either be given, or automatically generated (in which case it is based on the YYYYMMDD-hhmm (year/month/day-hour/minute) format, possibly extended by _1, _2, ... if multiple runs are launched during the same minute.

Once a computation is started or submitted, it should be possible to modify files in the case setup without interfering with the running or pending computation, and for "quality control" considerations, it is often useful to keep a trace of files used, so the following rules apply when a computation run is prepared:

  • Files directly in DATA are copied to RESU/<run_id>, except for run.cfg (which is not copied directly but may be used to generate runcase) if the currently active XML file is not named setup.xml, a symbolic link named setup.xml is added to that file, as the solver expects that name.
  • Files directly in SRC are copied to RESU/src
  • Sub-directories of DATA and SRC are ignored
  • for large files or directories referenced in setup.xml or user_scripts.py, such as mesh_input*, checkpoint, or partition_input, symbolic links are used in the run directory rather than a full copy. The link may have a different name: for example, a checkpoint from a previous run is linked as restart for the new run.

In most cases, the solver is run using RESU/<run_id> as its work directory. For coupled cases, RESU/<run_id>/<domain> is used for each domain, so as to avoid write conflicts.

Reserved file and directory names

As can be seen in the examples above, some file and directory names have special roles, so should not be used as specific user-defined inputs or outputs:

Name Type Role
DATA base input directory data and setup definition files for the computation
SRC base input directory user-defined sources for the computation
run.cfg input file definition of run resources and job allocation
setup.xml input file main computational setup
user_scripts.py input file additional computational setup
RESU output directory directory in which <run_id> run outputs are generated
RESU_COUPLING output directory same as RESU, for coupled cases
runcase generated script generated script for job submission
run_solver generated script generated low-level script for computation execution
mesh_input input directory directory of imported meshes
mesh_input.csm input file imported mesh
monitoring output directory directory for probe history
postprocessing output directory directory for post-processing and visualization output (EnSight Gold, MED, CGNS)
partition_input input directory link to partition_output from previous run
partition_output output directory directory for partition maps
restart input directory link to checkpoint from previous run
checkpoint output directory directory for checkpoint files
src input directory directory for compiled source files (in run directory)
compile.log output file compilation log for files in src
performance.log output file summary of performance data
preprocessor.log ouptut file mesh import log
run_solver.log output file main computation log
setup.log output file setup options log
listing output file symbolic link to run_solver.log (legacy name)
residuals.csv output file residuals per iteration
timer_stats.csv output file main timings per iteration
summary output file global execution and environment summary

Temporary execution directory

In special cases, it is possible to define a separate scratch execution directory, by setting a 'CS_SCRATCHDIR` environment variable or defining such a directory in the general configuration (Configuration file } "code_saturne.cfg") settings.

In this case, results are copied from the scratch directory to the run output directory during the finalize stage of a computation.

This is recommended only if the compute environment includes different file-systems, some better suited to data storage, others to intensive I/O. If this is not the case, there is no point in running in a scratch directory rather than the results directory, as this incurs additional file copies.

If the CS_SCRATCHDIR environment variable is defined, its value has priority over that defined in the preference file, so if necessary, it is possible to define a setting specific to a given run using this mechanism.

in case of an error, the temporary directories are not deleted after a calculation, so that they may be used for debugging. They may then accumulate and lead to loss of usable disk space. It is therefore essential to remove them regularly.

Case generator

The code_saturne create case generation command automatically creates a study or case directory according to the typical architecture and copies the required files.

The syntax is briefly described here:

code_saturne create --study STUDY CASE_NAME1

creates a study directory STUDY with case sub-directory CASE_NAME1. If no case name is given, a default case directory called CASE1 is created. While:

code_saturne create --case Flow3 --case Flow4

executed in the STUDY directory adds the case directories Flow3 and Flow4. Whenever multiple cases are created simultaneously, it is assumed they may be coupled, so top-level run.cfg and coupling_parameters.py files and a RESU_COUPLING directory are also created.

In each case's DATA directory, reference (minimal) setup.xml and run.cfg files are generated.

If the --copy-ref option is used, under DATA, a REFERENCE sub-directory is created, containing a cs_user_scripts.py advanced settings template and examples of thermochemical data files used for pulverized coal combustion, gas combustion, electric arcs, or a meteorological profile. These files are also always available in the installation directory, usually in ${install_prefix}/share/code_saturne/data/user. The files to be actually used for the calculation must be copied directly in the DATA directory and its name may either be unchanged, or be referenced using the GUI or using the cs_user_model user function. In same manner, under the SRC directory, a sub-directory named REFERENCE containing all the available user-defined function templates and a the sub-directory named EXAMPLES containing multiple examples are copied.

As a rule of thumb, all files in DATA or SRC except for the code_saturne script are copied for use during code execution, but subdirectories are not.

Using the GUI and user-defined functions

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is available with code_saturne. This tool creates or reads an XML file according to a specific code_saturne schema which is then interpreted by the main script and by the Solver.

The GUI manages calculation parameters, standard initialization values and boundary conditions, most available specific physical models (coal and gas combustion, atmospheric flows, Lagrangian module, electrical model, compressible model and radiative transfers).

Using the GUI is optional, but highly recommended. Each setting or definition that can be specified through the GUI can also be specified in the user-defined sources.

The GUI and user-defined functions are designed to be used in combination: it is generally preferable to use the GUI for as many settings as possible, and resort to user-defined functions only for more complex settings which cannot be done through the GUI. This may also include settings with many elements that can be better defined using programmatic loops. As a general rule, the most concise and easily verifiable approach should be used.

In general, user functions and subroutines are called after the GUI-defined settings for the relevant settings are loaded, so that when a given parameter is specified both in the interface and in a user-defined function or subroutine, the value in the user function has priority, or rather has the last word.

There are a few limitations to the changes that can be made between the GUI and the user routines, related to which variables are solved. In particular, it is not possible to activate a specific physical or turbulence model in the GUI and activate a conflicting one in use functions (for example, specifying the use of a k-ε model in the GUI and change it to Rij cs_user_model.

For example, in order to set the boundary conditions of a calculation corresponding to a channel flow with a given inlet velocity profile, the recommended practice is to:

  • Using the GUI:
    • Set the boundary conditions corresponding to the wall and the output.
    • Set a dummy boundary condition for the inlet (uniform velocity for instance) so as to define the appropriate zone.
  • With user-defined functions:
    • set the proper velocity profile at inlet in cs_user_boundary_conditions.f90. The dummy velocity entered in the GUI will not be taken into account as it is superceded by this definition (but should appear as the initial value in the corresponding arrays).

The GUI is launched with the ./code_saturne command in a case's DATA directory. The first step is then to load an existing parameter file (in order to modify it) or to create a new one. By default, the assumed file name is setup.xml, and changing it is not recommended (though many setting files from older versions using various names may be encountered).

The settings available for a typical calculation are the following:

  • Calculation environment: case path info, definition of notebook (parametric) variables.
  • Mesh: definition of the mesh file(s), mesh preprocessing options, and mesh checking mode.
  • Calculation features: choice of physical model, ALE mobile mesh features, turbulence model, thermal model, coupling with SYRTHES...
  • Fluid properties: reference pressure, fluid characteristics, gravity. It is also possible to write user laws for the density, the viscosity, the specific heat and the thermal conductivity in the interface through the use of a formulae generator.
  • Volume zones: variables initialization, and definition of the zones where to apply head losses or source terms.
  • Boundary zones: definition of the boundary conditions for each variable. The colors of the boundary faces may be read directly from a preprocessor.log* files created by the Preprocessor or a run_solver.log file from a previous solver run.
  • Time settings: time stepping scheme, number of time steps, management of calculation restart from a previous run.
  • Numerical parameters: advanced parameters for the numerical solution of the equations.
  • Postprocessing: visualizable output settings, time averages, probe sets and 1-d profile definitions.
  • Performance settings: advanced parallel computing settings (such as partitioning and, IO options).

User-defined function templates and examples

Reference user-defined functions and subroutines may be found in the SRC/REFERENCE subdirectory of a given case, if it was created with the --copy-ref option. Otherwise, they may always be found in the code's installation directory, usually under ${install_prefix}/share/code_saturne/user_sources/REFERENCE.

In a similar manner, examples may be found in the SRC/EXAMPLES subdirectory of a given case if it was created with the --copy-ref option, and may always be found in the code's installation directory, usually under ${install_prefix}/share/code_saturne/user_sources/EXAMPLES.

Note that all C, C++, and Fortran files present directly under a case's SRC directory will be used when running, while those in subdirectories will be ignored. To use a given user-defined function, it should be copied from the reference to SRC and adapted, possibly using code snippets from the examples. To temporarily deactivate a given source file, a recommended practice is to create a SRC/STASH subdirectory nd move them to that subdirectory (rather than renaming them).

The GUI also includes a tool which can help manage and edit user-defined functions, and check their validity (i.e. correct compilation).

Upgrading to a newer code_saturne version

Note that when upgrading to a new code_saturne version, the GUI can automatically update the XML file (and in the rare case where somelements cannot be updated, a warning will be issued). Whereas although an effort is made not to break user-defined functions too often, those functions are guaranteed to be "stable" only within a same release series.

So for example functions written for v6.0.0 need not be changed in bug-fix release 6.0.4, but should be at least verified and possibly updated when moving to a release from the 6.1.* series for example.

The easier upgrade mechanism using the GUI is one of the main reasons for which defining as many settings as possible using the GUI and keeping user-defined functions to the minimum required is so strongly encouraged.

Run configuration file (run.cfg)

For a given case, various execution-related settings can be defined using a file named run.cfg in a case's DATA sub-directory (or in a coupling's main directory). This file uses a format similar to classical .ini style file format, with some special section types being handled differently

A section named section-name is denoted by a line starting with [section-name]. Key-value pairs in a section are defined using simple key = value or key: value statements. Value definitions continuing over multiple lines must be indented by at least one character.

Note that for key values that can take true or false values, either true, yes, and 1 can be used for true, and either false, no, and 0 can be used for false. Any case (capitalization) combination can be used for the key value.

Also, as this file may be modified automatically by the code_saturne scripts and GUI, is is recommended to place matching commments before section and key definitions, so thet may be written in the correct place when the file is regenerated.

As an extension of the common [.ini] file format, an alternative way of defining key-value pairs in a given section is to define a section named section-name:key. In this case, all lines inside that section are associated to the value (except for initial and final empty lines). This avoids indentation requirements using multiline entries and generally keeps things more readable. Such sections may optionally be closed by an empty [] section declaration. This is only useful if comments must be added before a following section, as they are implicitly closed when a following section declaration or the end of file is reached.

The relevant sections and associated keywords are described below:


Optional section relative to associated setup. Allowed keywords are:

  • parameters

    Name of the parameters file (default: setup.xml).

  • coupled_domains

    List of domains that should be coupled, separated by colons (_:_). When present (for a coupled run's top-level configuration file), a section named after each domain's (transformed to lowercase) may also be present to define additional options for that case.

As the recommended setup.xml and coupling_parameters.py are used by default if not specified here but present in the directory structure, this section is optional, and useful only for compatibility with older cases containing multiple setup files (which is not recommended). An absolute path may also be used, but is usually not recommended as the case structure is then not self-contained.


This section defines defaults when no associated ${resource_name} or [${batch_type}] section is present. The same key-value pairs may be used.


Optional (recommended) section relative to run stages and other aspects.

In case of multiple available builds (such as when standard and debug builds are available), the compute build may be defined here:

  • compute_build

    name or path of alternate compute build; if not set, the install settings or defaults apply;

The run ids (defining the results directory names in the RESU or RESU_COUPLING directory) can be specified using the following keys!

  • id

    id assigned to run in results directory;

  • id_prefix

    prefix to assign to automatically-generated run id's (i.e. in absence of id value);

  • id_suffix

    suffix to assign to automatically-generated run id's (i.e. in absence of id value);

  • force

    if true, the computation is allowed when a result directory with the same id is already present and the stage step is required; by default, (false), an error is returned and the computation is not run, to avoid overwriting existing data;

The following keywords allow determining which stages which should be run. By default, all steps are executed, unless some steps are specified, in which case the specified steps and those in between are run; if a single step is specified, all steps up to that one are assumed.

  • stage

    true or false to indicate whether the staging step should be run; must be true unless a result directory with the same id has already been staged.

  • initialize

    true or false to indicate whether the preprocessing step should be run;

  • compute

    true or false to indicate whether the compute step should be run;

  • finalize

    true or false to indicate whether the finalization step should be run.


A section defining the requested options specific to compute environment (and associated resource) can be defined by using the resource's name which can be configured using the resource_name keyword in the [install] section of the global install or user configuration (with the system rather than user setting being recommended).

In this documentation section, ${resource_name} should be replaced by the actual active resource name. If no resource name is specified in the main code_saturne (or user) install configuration, the name of the configured batch system type (in lowercase) is used instead. If this is not available either, ${resource_name} finally defaults to job_defaults.

Optional (recommended) section relative to job defaults. Allowed keywords are:

  • n_procs

    Number of MPI processes for computation (default: 1).

    This option overrides the values determined automatically through the resource manager (batch system) when both are present. This may be useful in case of an incorrect automatic determination of the number of MPI ranks on some systems (or for advanced uses such as debugging a case on a number of MPI ranks which is not a multiple of the number of processes per node available using the batch system), but should otherwise only be defined in the absence of a resource manager.

  • n_threads

    Number of OpenMP threads for computation (default: 1).

  • time_limit

    Time limit for computation, in seconds; unlimited if < 0 (default). When running under a resource manager (batch system), the actual limit will usually be lower.

When a batch system is configured, associated batch settings may be given using one of several keywords:

  • job_parameters

    List of parameters which should be passed to the resource manager-specific command (for example sbatch, llsubmit, 'qsub`, ... depending on system);

  • job_header

    Job jeader that should be inserted at the beginning of the generated and submitted runcase or run_solver scripts.

    Using the special [[${resource_name}:job_header]] section type instead is recommended, as it avoids indentation requirements.

  • job_header_file

    Defines the path to a file that contains the job header to insert (ohtherwise as above). Either an absolute or relative (to run.cfg) path may be used.

  • jobmanager

    This option is reserved for future use with the SALOME platform's JOBMANAGER tool, but is not yet available.

If more than one of these options are defined, the priority, from highest to lowest, is as follows: job_parameters, job_header, job_header_file.


Sections of this type are used to define key values associated to the ${resource_name} section that may spread over multiple lines. All lines (except empty initial and final lines) are used as the key value. The main usage is to store batch job headers, with the following key:

  • job_header

    The associated lines are inserted in the generated and submitted runcase file.

Additional resource:key combinations allow inserting additional snippets in the generated scripts, and may be useful mostly to define or modify additional environment variables. The associated key names are:

  • run_prologue

    The associated entry is inserted before the active run steps are executed.

  • run_epilogue

    The associated entry is inserted after the active run steps are executed.

  • compute_prologue

    The associated entry is inserted in the generated run_solver script, before the main solver execution, and is restricted to the computation environment; it is thus usually preferred to run_prologue when both could be used.

  • compute_epilogue

    The associated entry is inserted in the generated run_solver script, after the main solver execution, and is restricted to the computation environment; it is thus usually preferred to run_epilogue when both could be used.


In case of code coupling, for each domain, a section whose name is based on the domain name may be present. The section name should always be in lowercase (per file formmat specifications) even if the domain name is not.

  • solver

    Defines the solver type; currently allowed names (case-independent) are: code_saturne, neptune_cfd, SYRTHES, CATHARE, python_code. Additional allowed or required keywords may depend on the solver type.

  • domain

    Directory name (with exact capitalization) associated to the given domain. By default, this should be the same as the domain name.

  • n_procs_weight

    How many MPI ranks will be assigned to this domain will be based on the ratio of this weight relative to the total n_procs_weight of all coupled domains and the total number of ranks assigned to the coupled computation.

    The weight to assign to each domain may be estimated based on the relative domain sizes and associated computational cost, so as to balance the load as well as possible. Checking performance log coupling timings may help improving the load balance based on previous runs (when the coupling communication time represents the largest part of the coupling exchange cost, this can usually be interpreted as including time waiting for other domains, so more resources should be allocated to domains with lower communication time, and less to those with higher communication time.

  • n_procs_min

    Minimum number of MPI ranks assigned to this domain. By default, this value is 1. This setting may be useful if the weight-based computation could lead to an insufficient number of assigned ranks for some resource configurations, for example due to rounding.

  • n_procs_max

    Maximmum number of MPI ranks assigned to this domain. This may be useful if the computational tool associated to a given domain is not parallel or is expected not to scale well beyond a given number of MPI ranks.

  • opt

    For Syrthes domains, additional options (for example, postprocessing with -v ens or -v med).

  • param

    For Syrthes domains, name of associated parameters file.

  • cathare_case_file

    For CATHARE domains, name of the associated dataset file.

  • neptune_cfd_domain

    For CATHARE domains, name of the computational domain assigned to the false neptune_cfd instance which actually wraps CATHARE.

  • script

    For Python-based solver domains, name of the main matching Python script.

  • command_line

    For Python-based solver domains, name of the associated command-line arguments.


Sections of this type are used to define paths in specific cases, and should only appear in run.cfg files generated by a first run stage.

  • case

    Specifies the base case directory. When using a standard directory structure, this is not needed, but is used to determine the parent case when a separate results top directory has been specified (i.e. using the --dest run and submit option).

  • top_results_directory

    Specifies the base case directory. This is useful to determine whether a separate results top directory has been specified (i.e. using the --dest run and submit option), or if a temporary execution directory is being used.