How to calculate time-averaged variables every constant time steps

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How to calculate time-averaged variables every constant time steps

Post by yang »

Hi team,

I am using code_saturne v7.0.2. I want to use GUI to calculate time-averaged variables every 10 timesteps. I guess the default time-averaged calculation every timestep. Thanks.

Yvan Fournier
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: How to calculate time-averaged variables every constant time steps

Post by Yvan Fournier »


I do not understand whether you want to include only one of 10 time steps in the average or need to reset the average every 10 timecsteps (or use à moving average over 10 time steps).

In any case this is not available using.g the GUI, so will require user-defined functions.

Best regards,

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