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Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:55 pm
by clalgourdin

I'm new in this forum and I'm also a new Linux user, so my questions are may be obvious for you.

I had already tried to install the version 3.0.6 without success but the new version 4.0 is just released so I try to install it.

For information :
Xubuntu 14.04
Code_Saturne version : 4.0

I think, I have installed all the librairies necessary, but I have some mistakes during the installation.

I have seen during the step "./configure" that for the configuration options :

HDF5 support : no
CGNS support : no
MED support : no

Whereas, I have already downloaded in the Synaptic packet manager, the packets :

HDF5 (hdf5-tools v1.8.11-5ubuntu7), CGNS (4 files : cgns-convert ; libcgns3.1-dbg ; libcgns-dev ; libcgns3.1 Version : ; and MED (libmed-tools v3.0.6-2ubuntu1)

Moreover, I have some mistakes after "sudo make install" :

***[install-libLTLIBRAIRIES] Erreur 127
***[install-am] Erreur 2
***[install-recursive] Erreur 1

You can see in the attached files the text in the shell after "./configure" ; "sudo make install" and file config2. (log file).

Thank's a lot for your help.


Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:17 pm
by Yvan Fournier

You seem to be missing some "dev" packages, and should not run configure from the source directory.

All those recommendations are explained in the first few sections of the installation manual, which is with the sources, and also on this website.



Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:31 am
by sante

I am new to the forum and Cameroonian student in MASTER 2 , again in Linux and with a not so perfect English . I downloaded code_saturne_4.0.0 . I want to do an automatic installation, but I can not find the second file ' install - 4.0.0.tar.gz ' ' as is the case for CS- 3.0.1 that contains the file ' 'setup' ' . I wonder if running the file ' ' '' of the new version , can I have the file ' ' setup ''?
For information: KDE 64bit 14.04 LTS

Sincerely .

Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:45 am
by Yvan Fournier

Yes, that is the idea: the automatic installer is "built-in" Code_Saturne 4.0.0.

Just run and follow the instructions (use the 2nd option, version with absolute paths; there is a missing path in the first syntax, which will be fixed in 4.0.1).

It is still recommended to read info on prerequisites in the installation manual.



Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:14 am
by sante
Thank you for your answer so fast . Can I know know the release date of 4.0.1 ?

Sincerely .

Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 2:06 pm
by Yvan Fournier

The release of 4.0.1 depends on a few pending minor fixes. I hope for a release sometime next week, but it might slip to early June...



Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 9:30 am
by sante

Thank you . I think I can wait until early June ..




Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:54 pm
by clalgourdin

after a bad manipulation, my PC was broken so I had install Linux again ... and try to install Code_saturne again ...

My question is very simple, I know it's necessary to build the code in a separate directory, but what this it's mean in fact ?

For an automatic installation, If I put the script "" in a new directory and I try to run for the first time, nothing is happening (the link between the script and the others files are broken).

If somebody can help me ?



Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 3:10 pm
by Yvan Fournier

You do not need move, but simply call or configure from another directory.

If you simply call ./ from the source directory, it will provide the necessary instructions.



Re: Installation C_S v4.0

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:35 am
by clalgourdin
Hello Yvan,

thanks, I have successfully run for the first time the script in a separate directory.

I configured the "setup" file and run the script a second time.

you can see in the attached file the screenshot from my shell.

an error occur : TypeError : cannot concatenate 'str' and 'noneType' objects

for information the file : "install_saturne.log" is empty,

and I have also check for cc, mpi, f95, python and make in usr/bin and all is OK.

and the install directory was created but also empty.

Thank you for your help
