Meshing programs

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Meshing programs

Post by Pablo »

I have read several topics concerning the meshes quality-dependency of the simulation results (or worse, simulation failures), and I would like to inquire to the community what meshing program are most adequate for complex geometries.
In my case, probably because I began the Code_saturne usage in CAELinux, I'm used to both Salome-Meca geometry and meshing tools, although recently I am finding certain limitations in these modules (mesh refinement, specially).

So, considering your experience...what do you think is the most adequate meshing OS tool for a later use in code_saturne?

Thanks in advance.
Yvan Fournier
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Meshing programs

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Opinions may vary strongly on this...

Quite a few of our users are happy with commercial tools such as Ansys meshing or the meshing module of Star-CCM+. We have less experience with independent tools such as Pointwise, which is probably also a strong contender. For very automated meshes, Boxer mesh also seems and interesting option, but we have not tested it so far (search all those on the web).

On the Open source side, both SALOME (possibly augmented by the Commercial Distene meshers) and gmsh are the most general tools I know. Their GUI's and scripting are quite different, so once you are familiar with one, you will probably want to stick to it. Gmsh has strong algorithms, SALOME has a broad selection of algorithms, strong scripting, and its GUI has improved quite a bit over the years.

But the tool is not everything: whether using a commercial or free tool, meshing method and the time spent fine-tuning the mesh (constraining submeshes for a more regular whole, using at least a few viscous layers, ...)

It is difficult to provide "hard" recommendations for meshing, as the more you fine-tune a mesh, the better it is, but past a given point, you will have diminishing returns...

The best practice guidelines in the documentation section may also help a bit.


Brian Angel

Re: Meshing programs

Post by Brian Angel »


You could also try the open source meshing tool snappyHexMesh which generates a mesh similar to that of the Star-CCM+ and the ANSYS Cut Cell meshing methodologies. However, you will need a convertor to put it into a format compatible with Code_Saturne.


Brian Angel.
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