Radiative transfer module with CS-2.0-rc2

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Alicia Consigny

Radiative transfer module with CS-2.0-rc2

Post by Alicia Consigny »

Hi all,

I recently installed the new version of code saturne 2.0-rc2 on my computer, and I'm having some trouble using the radiative transfer module.

The case I am modelling is the flow and heat transfer in an autoclave. I have flow entering and leaving the autoclave, and grey/black walls with fixed external temperature, for which I know the emissivity, conductivity and thickness. The inlet face has a fixed temperature too. The outlet is free. I have adiabatic walls too. The problem is specified using the GUI and usray1 and usray2.

When running the calculation, I have this kind of error message :

@ @@ ATTENTION : ARRET A L'ENTREE DES DONNEES RAYONNEMENT   @    =========                                               @    XLAMP, EPAP, TEXTP NE DOIVENT PAS ETRE RENSEIGNES       @                                       AVEC ISOTHP = IFREFL 

which is weird because there is no reflective wall (IFREFL).

I tried the patch for cs-2.0-rc1 I found on this post Radiative transfers P1-model but it doesn't work.

I tried running the same case with cs-1.4.b without any problem.

I attach here my usray1, usray2 and xml files.

Can you tell me what I should do to solve this problem ?

Thank you very much in advance,

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