general documentation
Supported input and output formats

External mesh and visualization formats

code_saturne supports multiple mesh formats, all of these having been requested at some time by users or projects based on their meshing or post-processing tools. All of these formats have advantages and disadvantages (in terms of simplicity, functionality, longevity, and popularity) when compared to each other. The following formats are currently supported:

These formats are described in greater detail in the following sections. Unless a specific option is used, the Preprocessor determines the mesh format directly from the file suffix:

  • .case for EnSight (6 or Gold)
  • .ccm for Star-CCM+
  • .cgns for CGNS
  • .des for Simail NOPO
  • .med for MED
  • .msh for Gmsh
  • .neu for GAMBIT neutral
  • .unv for I-deas universal

Note that the preprocessor can read gzipped mesh files directly (for Formats other than MED, CGNS, or CCM+, which use specific external libraries) on most machines.

Mesh formats supported for input


This format is used by the free Gmsh tool. This tool has both meshing and post-processing functionality, but code_saturne only imports the meshes, allowing MSH formats up to 4.1 (the latest revision as of March 2020).

Note that some meshes produced by Gmsh man contain some badly oriented elements, so the Preprocessor's --reorient option may be necessary.

In the initial version of this format, two labels were associated with each element: the first for the element's physical entity number, the second defines its elementary entity number. Using later versions it is possible to associate an arbitrary number of labels with each element.

In code_saturne, it was chosen to interpret physical entity numbers to groups. Although it is possible to build a mesh using Gmsh without defining any physical entities (in which case all elements will belong to the same group, the documentation clearly says that geometric entities are to be used so as to group elementary entities having similar "physical" meanings.

To obtain distinct groups with a mesh generated by Gmsh, it is thus necessary for the user to define physical entities. This requires an extra step, but allows for fine-grained control over the groups associated with the mesh, while using only elementary entities could lead to a high number of groups.

Default extension .msh
File type text or binary file
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra
Zone selection physical entities interpreted as groups
Compatibility all files of this type (current revision: 4.1)
Documentation included documentation, also available at: http://www.geuz.org/gmsh

NOPO/Simail (INRIA/Distene)

This format is output by Simail, which was used heavily at EDF until a few years ago. code_saturne does not currently handle cylindrical or spherical coordinates, but it seems that Simail always outputs meshes in Cartesian coordinates, even if points have been defined in another system. Most "classical" element types are available, except for pyramids.

Note that depending on the architecture on which a file was produced, it may may not be directly readable by Simail on a different machine (due to non-portable/non-standardized Fortran binary file headers and endianness issues), but this is usually not a problem for the code_saturne preprocessor, which automatically detects the byte ordering and the 32/64 bit variant and adapts accordingly.

Default extension .des
File type semi-portable "Fortran" binary (IEEE integer and floating-point numbers on 4 or 8 bytes, depending on 32 or 64 bit Simail version, bytes also ordered based on the architecture)
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles (+ volume element face references)
Volume elements tetrahedra, prisms, hexahedra
Zone selection element face references and volume sub-domains (interpreted as numbered groups)
Compatibility all files of this type as long as the coordinate system used is Cartesian and not cylindrical or spherical
Documentation Simail user documentation and release notes or MODULEF documentation: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/modulef

I-deas universal

This format was very popular in the 1990's and early 2000's, and though the I-deas tool has not focused on the CFD (or even meshing) market since many years, it is handled (at least in part) by many tools, and may be considered as a major "legacy" format. It may contain many different datasets, relative to CAD, meshing, materials, calculation results, or part representation. Most of these datasets are ignored by code_saturne, and only those relative to vertex, element, group, and coordinate system definitions are handled.

This format's definition evolves with I-deas versions, albeit in a limited manner: some datasets are declared obsolete, and are replaced by others, but the definition of a given dataset type is never modified. Element and Vertex definitions have not changed for many years, but group definitions have gone through several dataset variants through the same period, usually adding minor additional group types not relevant to meshing. Datasets unknown to code_saturne are simply ignored.

Note that this is a text format. Most element types are handled, except for pyramids.

Default extension .unv
File type text
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles
Volume elements tetrahedra, prisms, hexahedra
Zone selection colors (always) and named groups
Compatibility I-deas Master Series 5 to 9, NX Series 10 to 12) at least
Documentation Online I-deas NX Series documentation, and https://docs.plm.automation.siemens.com/tdoc/nx/10/nx_help/#uid:index_advanced:xid602249:id625716:id625821

GAMBIT neutral

This format may be produced by ANSYS GAMBIT meshing tool. As this tool did not export meshes to other formats directly handled by the Preprocesso (though FLUENT itself may export files to the CGNS or I-dead universal formats), it was deemed useful to enable the Preprocessor to directly read files in GAMBIT neutral format.

Note that this is a text format. "Classical" element types are usable.

Default extension .neu
File type text
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra
Zone selection boundary conditions for faces, element groups for cells (interpreted as named groups)
Documentation GAMBIT on-line documentation

EnSight 6

This format was used for output by old version of the Harpoon meshing tool, developed by Sharc Ltd, and may be produced by various other tools. It may represent all ``classical'' element types.

Designed for post processing, it does not explicitly handle the definition of surface patches or volume zones, but allows the use of many parts (i.e. groups of elements) which use a common vertex list. A possible convention is to add surface elements to the volume mesh, using one part per group. The volume mesh may also be separated into several parts so as to identify different zones. As part names may contain up to 80 characters, we do not transform them into groups (whose names could be unwieldy), so we simply convert their numbers to group names.

Default extension .case
File type text file (*.case*), and text, binary, or Fortran binary file with *.geo* extension, describing 32-bit integers and floats in the IEEE format
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra
Zone selection part numbers interpreted as numbered groups
Compatibility All files of this type
Documentation on-line documentation, also available at: www3.ensight.com/EnSight10_Docs/UserManual.pdf

Mesh formats supported for input or output


Initially defined by EDF R&D, this format Modèle d'échanges de Données, or Model for Exchange of Data has been defined and maintained through a working group comprising members of EDF R&D and CEA. This is the reference format for the SALOME platform. This format is quite complete, allowing the definition of all "classical" element types, in nodal or descending connectivity. It may handle polygonal faces and polyhedral cells, as well as the definition of structured meshes.

This format, which requires a library also depending on the free HDF5 library, allows both for reading and writing meshes with their attributes ("families" of group combinations), as well as handling calculation data, with the possibility (unused by code_saturne) of defining variables only on a subset ("profile") of a mesh.

The MED library is available under a LGPL license, and is even packaged in some Linux distributions (at least Debian and Ubuntu). code_saturne requires at least MED 3.0.2, which in turn requires HDF5 1.8. This format is upwards-compatible with MED 2.3, so old files in that version of the format may still be read. The current MED 4.x versions are based on HDF5 1.10.

Default extension .med
File type portable binary, based on the HDF5 library
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles, simple polygons
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra, simple polyhedra
Zone selection element groups (stored as families)
Input compatibility MED 2.3 to 4.1 (assuming up to date MED library); only unstructured nodal connectivity is supported
Output compatibility MED 3.0 and above (based on MED library version)
Documentation on-line documentation; descripyion at https://www.salome-platform.org/user-section/about/med, download link at http://files.salome-platform.org/Salome/other/med-4.0.0.tar.gz
Parallel IO supported (using HDF5 parallel IO); still has unresolved bug.


Promoted by organizations including the AIAA, NASA, Boeing Commercial, ANSYS, Airbus, ONERA, SAFRAN, ANSYS, Pointwise, Inc., Numeca, and others, the CFD General Notation System format is quite well established in the world of CFD. The concept is similar to that of MED, with a bigger emphasis on normalization of variable names or calculation information, and even richer possibilities.

Slightly older than MED, this library was free from the start, with a good English documentation, and is much better known. It is more focused on CFD, whereas MED is more generic. A certain number of tools accompany the CGNS distribution, including a mesh visualizer, and an interpolation tool.

code_saturne should be able to read almost any mesh written in this format, though meshes with overset interfaces may not be usable for a calculation (calculations with overset interfaces may be possible in the context of coupling code_saturne with itself, but with two separate meshes). Other (abutting) interfaces are not handled automatically (as there are at least 3 or 4 ways of defining them, and some mesh tools do not export them (for example, ICEM-CFD can join non-conforming meshes, but it exports joining surfaces as simple boundary faces with user-defined boundary conditions). When present, the code_saturne user is simply informed of their existence in the Preprocessor's log file, with a suggestion to use an appropriate mesh joining option. Structured zones are converted to unstructured zones immediately after being read.

Boundary condition information is interpreted as groups with the same name. The format does not yet provide for selection of volume elements, as only boundary conditions are defined in the model (and can be assigned to faces in the case of unstructured meshes, or vertices in any case). Regions (CPEX 0030 proposal, implement as of CGNS 3.1.) could be used for this but are not handled yet by code_saturne. Note that boundary conditions defined at vertices are not ignored by the Preprocessor, but are assigned to the faces of which all vertices bear the same condition. If one of a face's vertices does not bear a boundary condition, that condition is not transferred to the face. So whenever possible, boundary conditions should be assigned to faces rather than vertices.

To better support CGNS files generated by different tools, the Preprocessor also has the capability of building additional volume or surface groups, based on the mesh sections to which cells or faces belong. This may be activated using a sub-option of the mesh selection, and allows obtaining zone selection information from meshes that do not have explicit boundary condition information but that are subdivided in appropriate zones or sections (which depends on the tool used to build the mesh).

When outputting to CGNS, an unstructured connectivity is used for the calculation domain, with no face joining information or face boundary condition information (this feature should be added later).

Many tools support CGNS, though that support may have limitations. Some editors seem to use different means to mark zones to associate with boundary conditions than the ones recommended in the CGNS documentation, and some behaviours are worse. Also, some readers do not allow the user to choose between multiple CGNS bases (meshes in the code_saturne), so when outputting to CGNS, it may be necessary to output each post-processing mesh using a separate output.

Note also that recent CGNS library versions (3.3.0 or 4.x) may require running their cgnsupdate tool to allow reading older CGNS files, due to some internal changes.

Default extension .cgns
File type portable binary (using the ADF library specific to CGNS, or HDF5)
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles, simple polygons
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra, simple polyhedra
Zone selection surface zone selection using boundary conditions; no direct volume zone selection, but the Preprocessor allows creation of groups associated to zones or sections in the mesh using mesh selection sub-options
Input compatibility CGNS 2.5 or CGNS 3.1 and above (based on library version)
Output compatibility CGNS 3.1 and above (based on library version)
Documentation on-line documentation
Parallel IO supported by CGNS (using HDF5 parallel IO) but not yet by code_saturne.

EnSight Gold

This format may represent all "classical" element types, as well as arbitrary polygons and convex polyhedra.

This format offers many possibilities not used by code_saturne, such as defining values on part of a mesh only (using "undefined" marker values or partial values), assigning materials to elements, defining rigid motion, or defining per-processor mesh parts with ghost cells for parallel runs. Note that some libraries allowing direct EnSight Gold support do not necessarily support the whole format specification. Especially, VTK does not support material types. Also, both EnSight Gold and VTK allow for automatic distribution, reducing the usefulness of pre-distributed meshes with per-processor files.

Note than when using ParaView, if multiple parts (i.e. meshes) are present in a give case, using the "Extract Blocks" filter is required to separate those parts and obtain a proper visualization, unless the separate_meshes writer option is used. The VisIt software does not seem to handle multiple parts in an EnSight case, so different meshes must be assigned to different writers, or the separate_meshes writer option must be used.

This format may be used as an input format, similar to EnSight 6. Compared to the latter, each part has its own coordinates and vertex connectivity; hence as a convention, we consider that surface or volume zones may only be considered to be part of the same mesh if the file defines vertex IDs (which we consider to be unique vertex labels). In this case, part numbers are interpreted as group names. Without vertex IDs, only one part is read, and no groups are assigned.

Default extension case_name.ensight directory, containing a file with the .case extension; for input, any directory name is allowed
File type multiple binary or text files
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles, simple polygons
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra, simple polyhedra
Zone selection possibility of defining element materials (not used), or interpret part number as group name if vertex IDs are given
Compatibility files readable by EnSight 7.4 to 10.0, as well as tools based on the VTK library, especially ParaView
Documentation on-line documentation, also available at: www3.ensight.com/EnSight10_Docs/UserManual.pdf
Parallel IO supported for binary output, using "direct" MPI-IO


Use of the CGNS format should be stronlgy preferred to this format when possible, and CGNS output is available in STAR-CCM+ since version 12.06 at least.

This polyhedral format is the current CD-Adapco (SIEMENS PLM) format, and is based on CD-Adapco's libccmio, which is based on ADF (the low-level file format used by CGNS prior to the shift to HDF5). libccmio comes with a version of ADF modified for performance, which can cause issues when linking also with CGNS (code_saturne tries to work around this using dynamically loaded libraries when possible).

Currently, geometric entity numbers are converted to numbered groups, with the corresponding names printed to the Preprocessor log. Depending on whether the names were generated automatically or set by the user, it would be preferable to use the original group names rather than base their names on their numbers.

This format may also be used for output, though its limitations make this a less general solution than other output formats: only 3D meshes are handled, though values can be output on boundary face regions (which may not overlap). As such, to ensure consistency, output using this format is limited as follows:

  • output of the full volume mesh and cell or vertex data on that mesh is handled normally.
  • output of the full surface mesh and per face data on that mesh handled normally, only if output of the full volume mesh to this format is also enabled. It is ignored otherwise.
  • output of sub-meshes or meshes built during the preprocessing stage and all other data is ignored.

As such, this formal may be useful for interoperability of data with a CCMIO-based tool-chain, but simultaneously using another output format to visualize possible error output is stronlgy recommended, as other issues due to undocumented/partially documented aspects of CCMIO (especially the variable naming scheme) may appear.

It seems the CCMIO library is distributed by SIEMENS to its clients upon demand, but it does not have a clear licencing scheme, so cannot be re-distributed direclty by the code_saturne development team. Also, the most recent version tested is 2.0.23.

Default extension .ccm
File type binary file based on modified ADF library
Surface elements polygons
Volume elements polyhedra
Zone selection named face and cell sets (interpreted as numbered groups, with name association in Preprocessor log)
Compatibility all files of this type? unsure.
Documentation documentation and source code provided by CD-Adapco

Mesh formats supported for output


This is not a "true" output format in the sense that output is not written directly to file, but is exported to the Catalyst co-processor. In turn, this co-processor will execute operations based on a special ParaView Python script, and directly generate output such as images or movies.

Co-processing scripts may be generated under ParaView 4.2 or above, using initial output in another format (such as EnSight Gold). With ParaView 4.2 to 5.4, this required activating the CoProcessing plugin. With ParaView 5.5 and above, a "Generate Script" item can be found directly under the "Catalyst" menubar item.

A code_saturne postprocessing writer will try to read a script named <writer_name>.py, which should be placed in a case's DATA directory. Using ParaView 5.5 or above, the root node (input) of the visualization pipeline should be renamed to that of the code_saturne writer so that the generated script can reference the input.

Note that this output is heavily dependent on ParaView. Some operations may work very well, while other, similar operations may fail.

Default extension not applicable
File type co-processing
Surface elements triangles, quadrangles, simple polygons
Volume elements tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra, simple polyhedra
compatibility Catalyst from ParaView 4.2 or above (version 5.5 or above recommended)
Documentation on-line documentation, Kitware Wiki, and code_saturne Wiki
Parallel IO based on ParaView

Meshing tools an associated formats

Most often, the choice of a mesh format is linked to the choice of a meshing tool. Still, some tools allow exporting a mesh under several formats handled by code_saturne. This is the case of FLUENT for example, which can export meshes to both the I-deas universal and CGNS formats.

Traditionally, users exported files to the I-deas universal format, but it does not handle pyramid elements, which are often used by these tools to transition from hexahedral to tetrahedral cells in the case of hybrid meshes. The user is encouraged to export to CGNS, which does not have this limitation.

Tools related to the SALOME platform should preferably use SALOME's native MED format.