L. (王连法) Wang, Y. Fournier, J. F. Wald, and Y. Mesri. A graph neural network-based framework to identify flow phenomena on unstructured meshes. Physics of Fluids, 35(7):075149, 07 2023. URL:, arXiv:\_1\_5.0156975.pdf, doi:10.1063/5.0156975.
Lianfa Wang, Yvan Fournier, Jean-François Wald, and Youssef Mesri. Identification of vortex in unstructured mesh with graph neural networks. Computers & Fluids, 268:106104, 2024. URL:, doi:
Guilhem Balvet, Jean-Pierre Minier, Yelva Roustan, and Martin Ferrand. Analysis of wall-modelled particle/mesh pdf methods for turbulent parietal flows. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 29(4):275–305, 2023.
T Norddine, M Ferrand, and S Benhamadouche. Realizability-preserving time-stepping for the differential reynolds stress turbulence models. Journal of Computational Physics, 494:112511, 2023.
Guilhem Balvet, Jean-Pierre Minier, Christophe Henry, Yelva Roustan, and Martin Ferrand. A time-step-robust algorithm to compute particle trajectories in 3-d unstructured meshes for lagrangian stochastic methods. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 29(2):95–126, 2023.
Martin Ferrand, Jean-Marc Hérard, Thomas Norddine, and Simon Ruget. Stable schemes for second-moment turbulent models for incompressible flows. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 351(G2):337–353, 2023.
Hector Amino, Cédric Flageul, Sofiane Benhamadouche, Iztok Tiselj, Bertrand Carissimo, and Martin Ferrand. A time-staggered second order conservative time scheme for variable density flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 94(12):1964–1995, 2022. URL:, arXiv:, doi:
Lea Al Asmar, Luc Musson-Genon, Eric Dupont, Martin Ferrand, and Karine Sartelet. Modeling the contribution of aerosols to fog evolution through their influence on solar radiation. Climate, 10(5):61, 2022.
Rodion Zhukovskii, Christophe Chazelas, Vincent Rat, Armelle Vardelle, and Ron Molz. Model of a non-transferred arc cascaded-anode plasma torch: the two-temperature formulation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55(6):065202, oct 2021. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/ac2cec.ZCR+21b
Rodion Zhukovskii, Christophe Chazelas, Vincent Rat, Armelle Vardelle, and Ron Molz. Model of a non-transferred arc cascaded-anode plasma torch: the two-temperature formulation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55(6):065202, oct 2021. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/ac2cec.
Rodion Zhukovskii, Christophe Chazelas, Vincent Rat, Armelle Vardelle, and Ron Molz. Predicted anode arc attachment by lte (local thermodynamic equilibrium) and 2-t (two-temperature) arc models in a cascaded-anode dc plasma spray torch. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, pages, 09 2021. doi:10.1007/s11666-021-01253-4.
Rodion Zhukovskii, Christophe Chazelas, Armelle Vardelle, Vincent Rat, and Bernd Distler. Effect of Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions on Reliability of Plasma Torch Models. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 29(5):894–907, 2020. doi:10.1007/s11666-020-01052-3.
Yvan Fournier. Massively parallel location and exchange tools for unstructured meshes. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 34:549–568, 2020. doi:10.1080/10618562.2020.1810676.
Rodion Zhukovskii, Christophe Chazelas, Armelle Vardelle, and Vincent Rat. Control of the arc motion in dc plasma spray torch with a cascaded anode. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 29:, 12 2019. doi:10.1007/s11666-019-00969-8.
Cédric Flageul, Iztok Tiselj, Sofiane Benhamadouche, and Martin Ferrand. A correlation for the discontinuity of the temperature variance dissipation rate at the fluid-solid interface in turbulent channel flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2019. URL:
Emmanuel Jeannot, Yvan Fournier, and Benjamin Lorendeau. Experimenting task-based runtimes on a legacy computational fluid dynamics code with unstructured meshes. Computers and Fluids, 173:51–58, 2018. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.03.076.
Jérôme Bonelle, Yvan Fournier, and Charles Moulinec. New Polyhedral Discretisation Methods applied to the Richards Equation: CDO Schemes in Code Saturne. Computers and Fluids, 173:93–102, September 2018. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.03.026.
P. Cantin and A. Ern. Vertex-based compatible discrete operator schemes on polyhedral meshes for advection-diffusion equations. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 16:187–212, 2016.
P. Cantin, J. Bonelle, E. Burman, and A. Ern. A vertex-based scheme on polyhedral meshes for advection–reaction equations with sub-mesh stabilization. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 72:2057 – 2071, 2016. doi:
J. Bonelle and A. Ern. Analysis of compatible discrete operator schemes for the stokes equations on polyhedral meshes. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 2015. doi:10.1093/imanum/dru051.
F. Tabet, V. Fichet, and P. Plion. A comprehensive cfd based model for domestic biomass heating systems. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2015. URL:
Jérôme Bonelle, Daniele A. Di Pietro, and Alexandre Ern. Low-order reconstruction operators on polyhedral meshes: application to compatible discrete operator schemes. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 35-36:27–41, 2015. Geometric Modeling and Processing 2015. URL:, doi:
A. Chahine, P. Matharan, D. Wendum, L. Musson-genon, R. Bresson, and B. Carissimo. Modelling atmospheric effects on performance and plume dispersal from natural draft wet cooling towers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 136:151–164, 2015. URL:
Adam Jones and Sergey Utyuzhnikov. A near-wall domain decomposition approach in application to turbulent flow in a diffuser. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015. URL:
Xingsi Han and Aimee S. Morgans. Simulation of the flame describing function of a turbulent premixed flame using an open-source les solver. Combustion and Flame, 162:1778–1792, 2015. URL:
Sandro Dal Secco, Olivier Juan, Myriam Louis-Louisy, Jean-Yves Lucas, Pierre Plion, and Lynda Porcheron. Using a genetic algorithm and cfd to identify low nox configurations in an industrial boiler. Fuel, 158:672–683, 2015. URL:, doi:
J. Bonelle and A. Ern. Analysis of compatible discrete operator schemes for elliptic problems on polyhedral meshes. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 48:553–581, 2014. doi:10.1051/m2an/2013104.
N. Méchitoua, S. Chaabane Khelifi, F. Hülsemann, and F. Magoulès. A hybrid multigrid method for convection–diffusion problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 259:711–719, 2014. URL:
Zhi Shang. Impact of mesh partitioning methods in cfd for large scale parallel computing. Computers & Fluids, 103:1–5, 2014. URL:
T. Prussek, E. Moleiro, F. Oukacine, A. Adobes, M. Jaeger, and M. Grandotto. Deposit models for tube support plate flow blockage in steam generators. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 262:418–428, 2013. URL:
Laurent Gay, Bertrand Sapa, and Faitha Nmira. Magic and code_saturne developments and simulations for mechanically ventilated compartment fires. Fire Safety Journal, 62:161–173, 2013. URL:
Y. Fournier, J. Bonelle, P. Vezolle, J. Heyman, B. D'Amora, K. Magerlein, J. Magerlein, G. Braudaway, C. Moulinec, and A. Sunderland. Multiple threads and parallel challenges for large simulations to accelerate a general navier–stokes cfd code on massively parallel systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 25:843–861, 2013. doi:10.1002/cpe.2852.
Maria João Telesa, António A. Pires-Silvaa, and Michel Benoit. Numerical modelling of wave current interactions at a local scale. Ocean Modelling, 68:72–87, 2013. URL:
Zhi Shang. Performance analysis of large scale parallel cfd computing based on code_saturne. Computer Physics Communications, 184:381–386, 2013. URL:
I. Afgan, J. McNaughton, S. Rolfo, D.D. Apsley, T. Stallard, and P. Stansby. Turbulent flow and loading on a tidal stream turbine by les and rans. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 43:96–108, 2013. URL:
Frederic Dehoux, Yannick Lecocq, Sofiane Benhamadouche, Remi Manceau, and Laurent-Emmanuel Brizzi. Algebraic modeling of the turbulent heat fluxes using the elliptic blending approach-application to forced and mixed convection regimes. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 88:77–100, 2012. 10.1007/s10494-011-9366-8. URL:
F. Billard, A. Revell, and T. Craft. Application of recently developed elliptic blending based models to separated flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2012. URL:
Jean-Marc Hérard and Oliver Hurisse. A fractional step method to compute a class of compressible gas-liquid flows. Computers and Fluid, 2012.
Yongfeng Qu, Maya Millez, Luc Musson-Genon, and Bertrand Carissimo. Numerical study of the thermal effects of buildings on low-speed airflow taking into account 3d atmospheric radiation in urban canopy. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 104-106:473–483, 2012. URL:
Katarina Dorogan, Mathieu Guingo, Jean-Marc Hérard, and Jean-Pierre Minier. A relaxation scheme for the hybrid modelling of gas-particle flows. Computers and Fluids, 2012.
Stefano Rolfo, Christophe Péniguel, Matthieu Gillaud, and Dominique Laurence. Thermal-hydraulic study of a wire spacer fuel assembly. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 243:251–262, 2012. URL:
Christian Beauchene, Nicolas Laudinet, Firas Choukri, Jean-Luc Rousset, Sofiane Benhamadouche, Juliette Larbre, Marc Chaouat, Marc Benbunan, Maurice Mimoun, Jean-Patrick Lajonchere, Vance Bergeron, and Francis Derouin. Accumulation and transport of microbial-size particles in a pressure protected model burn unit: cfd simulations and experimental evidence. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11(1):58, 2011. URL:, doi:10.1186/1471-2334-11-58.
Jean-Marc Ndombo and Richard J.A. Howard. Large eddy simulation and the effect of the turbulent inlet conditions in the mixing tee. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 241:2178–2183, 2011. URL:
I. Afgan, Y. Kahil, S. Benhamadouche, and P. Sagaut. Large eddy simulation of the flow around single and two side-by-side cylinders at subcritical reynolds numbers. Phys. Fluids, 2011. URL:, doi:
Y. Fournier, J. Bonelle, C. Moulinec, Z. Shang, A.G. Sunderland, and J.C. Uribe. Optimizing code_saturne computations on petascale systems. Computers & Fluids, 45:103–108, 2011. URL:
Mohamed Kanniche. Coupling cfd with chemical reactor network for advanced nox prediction in gas turbine. Clean Techn Environ Policy, 2010. doi:10.1007/s10098-010-0293-5.
D. Monfort, S. Benhamadouche, and P. Sagaut. Meshless approach for wall treatment in large-eddy simulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199(13–16):881 – 889, 2010. <ce:title>Turbulence Modeling for Large Eddy Simulations</ce:title>. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2009.04.013.
Vincent Fichet, Mohamed Kanniche, Olivier Gicquel, and Pierre Plion. A reactor network model for predicting nox emissions in gas turbines. Fuel, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2010.02.010.
Frédéric Archambeau, Jean-Marc Hérard, and Jérôme Lavieville. Comparative study of pressure-correction and hyperbolic algorithms on unsteady compressible cases. Computers and Fluids, 2009.
N. Jarrin, R. Prosser, J-C. Uribe, S. Benhamadouche, and D. Laurence. Reconstruction of turbulent fluctuations for hybrid rans/les simulations using a synthetic-eddy method. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30:435–442, 2009. URL:
Abdallah S. Berrouk, David E. Stock, Dominique Laurence, and James J. Riley. Heavy particle dispersion from a point source in turbulent pipe flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 34:916–923, 2008. URL:
Mathieu Guingo and Jean-Pierre Minier. A new model for the simulation of particle resuspension by turbulent flows based on a stochastic description of wall roughness and adhesion forces. Journal of Aerosol Science, 39(11):957–973, 2008. URL:, doi:
Yvan Fournier, Christelle Vurpillot, and Céline Béchaud. Evaluation of fluid flow in the lower core of a pwr with code_saturne. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 237(15):1729–1744, 2007. NURETH-11. URL:, doi:
M. Aounallah, Y. Addad, S. Benhamadouche, O. Imine, L. Adjlout, and D Laurence. Numerical investigation of turbulent natural convection in an inclined square cavity with a hot wavy wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50(9–10):1683 – 1693, 2007. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.10.015.
Maya Milliez and Bertrand Carissimo. Numerical simulations of pollutant dispersion in an idealized urban area, for different meteorological conditions. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 122:321–342, 2007. 10.1007/s10546-006-9110-4. URL:
S. Dal-Secco, B. Hernik, M. Pronobis, and R. Wejkowski. Simulations of protection air system in front wall fired boiler op650 in rybnik power plant. Archivum Combustionis, Vol. 27 nr 1-2:9–18, 2007.
A Revell, S. Benhamadouche, T J Craft, and D R P Laurence. A stress strain lag eddy viscosity model for unsteady mean flow. Int J Heat Fluid Flow, 27(5):821–830, 2006. URL:
N Jarrin, S. Benhamadouche, D Laurence, and R Prosser. A synthetic-eddy-method for generating inflow conditions for large-eddy simulations. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 27(4):585 – 593, 2006. <ce:title>Special Issue of The Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena - 2005</ce:title> <xocs:full-name>Special Issue of The Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena - 2005</xocs:full-name>. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2006.02.006.
Frédéric Archambeau, Namane Méchitoua, and Marc Sakiz. Code_saturne: a finite volume code for the computation of turbulent incompressible flows. International Journal on Finite Volumes, 2004. URL:
S. Benhamadouche and D Laurence. Les, coarse les, and transient rans comparisons on the flow across a tube bundle. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(4):470 – 479, 2003. Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements. URL:, doi:10.1016/S0142-727X(03)00060-2.
N Jarrin, R Prosser, J C Uribe, S. Benhamadouche, and D Laurence. Reconstruction of turbulent fluctuations using a hybrid rans/les approach. Journal of Computational Physics, 182(1):301–336, 2002. URL:
Proceedings and reports
Martin Ferrand, Jean-Marc Hérard, Thomas Norddine, and Simon Ruget. A scheme using the wave structure of second-moment turbulent models for incompressible flows. In International Conference on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, 111–119. Springer, 2023.
Gabriel F Narváez, Martin Ferrand, Thomas Fonty, and Sofiane Benhamadouche. Automatic solid reconstruction from 3-d points set for flow simulation via an immersed boundary method. In International Conference on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, 355–363. Springer, 2023.
Baptiste Amiot, Asma Djermoune, Martin Ferrand, and Rémi Le Berre. Simulation numérique de la réduction d'évaporation d'un réservoir liée à l'intégration d'une centrale photovoltaïque flottante. In Journée Nationales de l'Energie Solaire. 2023.
Baptiste Amiot, Martin Ferrand, Javier Vidal Hurtado, and others. Sheltering effect from floating photovoltaics over the waterbody-atmosphere interface. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU–9231. 2023.
Hector Amino Amino, Cédric Flageul, Bertrand Carissimo, and Martin Ferrand. A time-staggered cfd scheme for moist air variable density flow. In ECCOMAS Congress 2022-8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2022.
Hector Amino, Cédric Flageul, Sofiane Benhamadouche, Iztok Tiselj, Bertrand Carissimo, and Martin Ferrand. A second order conservative time-staggered scheme for all speed flow. In UKHTC. 2022.
Alejandro Ribes, Théophile Terraz, Bertrand Iooss, Yvan Fournier, and Bruno Raffin. Large scale in transit computation of quantiles for ensemble runs. Research Report, EDF R\\&D, June 2019. URL:
Yvan Fournier, Emmanuel Jeannot, and Benjamin Lorendeau. Experiments with multi-level parallelism runtimes on a CFD code with unstructured meshes. In ParCFD 2017 - 29th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics. Glasgow, United Kingdom, May 2017. URL:
N. Tonello, M. Ferrand, and Y. Fournier. Implementation of a drift flux multiphase model fo 3d draft cooling tower simulations in code_saturne. In 18th IARH International Conference on Cooling Tower and Air Cooled Heat Exchanger. 16-20 October 2017, Lyon, France, 2017.
Théophile Terraz, Alejandro Ribes, Yvan Fournier, Bertrand Iooss, and Bruno Raffin. Melissa: large scale in transit sensitivity analysis avoiding intermediate files. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC '17. New York, NY, USA, 2017. Association for Computing Machinery. URL:, doi:10.1145/3126908.3126922.
Hartwig Anzt, Marc Baboulin, Jack Dongarra, Yvan Fournier, Frank Hulsemann, Amal Khabou, and Yushan Wang. Accelerating the conjugate gradient algorithm with gpus in cfd simulations. In Inês Dutra, Rui Camacho, Jorge Barbosa, and Osni Marques, editors, High Performance Computing for Computational Science – VECPAR 2016, 35–43. Cham, 2017. Springer International Publishing.
Théophile Terraz, Bruno Raffin, Alejandro Ribes, and Yvan Fournier. In situ statistical analysis for parametric studies. In In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV2016). Salt Lake City, United States, 2016. URL:
V. Marinova, I. Kerroumi, Andreas Lintermann, Jens Henrik Göbbert, C. Moulinec, S. Rible, Y. Fournier, and M. Behbahani. Numerical analysis of the fda centrifugal blood pump. In NIC Symposium 2016. Jülich, Feb 2016. NIC Symposium 2016, Jülich (Germany), 11 Feb 2016 - 12 Feb 2016, NIC Symposium 2016, Jülich (Germany), 11 Feb 2016 - 12 Feb 2016. URL:
Yvan Fournier, Jérôme Bonelle, Erwan Le Coupanec, Alejandro Ribes, Benjamin Lorendeau, and Charles Moulinec. Recent and upcoming changes in code_saturne: computational fluid dynamics hpc tools oriented features. In Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 03/2015 2015. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK. doi:doi:10.4203/ccp.107.31.
V. Szeremi, L. Anton, C. Evangelinos, C. Moulinec, and Y. Fournier. Parallel sparse matrix vector product with openmp for smps in code_saturne. In Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 03/2015 2015. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK. doi:doi:10.4203/ccp.107.28.
Martin Ferrand, Jacques Fontaine, and Ophélie Angelini. An anisotropic diffusion finite volume algorithm using a small stencil. In Jürgen Fuhrmann, Mario Ohlberger, and Christian Rohde, editors, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems. Cham, 2014. Springer International Publishing, Springer International Publishing.
Wided Bizid, Adrien Etcheverlepo, Stéphane Vincent, Jean Paul Caltagirone, david monfort, and Maatoug Hassine. Penalty methods for turbulent flows interacting with obstacles. In Notes On Numerical Fluid Mechanics And Multidisciplinary Design, Springer. 2014. URL:
Benjamin Lorendeau, Yvan Fournier, and Alejandro Ribes. In-situ visualization in fluid mechanics using catalyst: a case study for code saturne. In IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), volume, 53–57. 10 2013. doi:10.1109/LDAV.2013.6675158.
Yvan Fournier, Jérôme Bonelle, Pascal Vezolle, Charles Moulinec, and Andrew G. Sunderland. An automatic joining mesh approach for computational fluid dynamics to reach a billion cell simulations. In P. Iványi and B. Topping, editors, Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Pécs, Hungary, 2011. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK. doi:doi:10.4203/ccp.95.63.
Pascal Vezolle, Jerry Heyman, Bruce D'Amora, Gordon Braudaway, Karen Magerlein, John Magerlein, and Yvan Fournier. Accelerating computational fluid dynamics on the ibm blue gene/p supercomputer. In Proceedings of the 2010 22Nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing. Washington, DC, USA, 2010. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society. URL:, doi:10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2010.27.
Namane Méchitoua, Yvan Fournier, and Frank Hülsemann. Improvements of a finite volume based multigrid method applied to elliptic problems. In International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics (M&C'09). Saratoga Springs, 05/2009 2009. American Nuclear Society - ANS, American Nuclear Society - ANS.
PhD theses
Lianfa Wang. Improving the confidence of CFD results by deep learning. Theses, Université Paris sciences et lettres, July 2024. URL:
Martin Ferrand. Free-surface flow simulations with a Lagrangian and an Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian methods. PhD thesis, École des Ponts ParisTech, 2022.
Benjamin Lorendeau. Amélioration des performances via un parallélisme multi-niveaux en maillage sur un code de CFD en maillages non structurés. phdTheses, Université de Bordeaux, 2019. URL:
Meïssam Bahlali. Adaptation of the hybrid Eulerian/Lagrangian stochastic model of the CFD code Code_Saturne to pollutant atmospheric dispersion at the micro-meteorological scale and comparison with the Eulerian method. phdTheses, Université Paris-Est, 2018. URL:
Jean-François Wald. Adaptive wall treatment for a second moment closure in the industrial context. phdTheses, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2016. URL:
Pierre Cantin. Approximation of scalar and vector transport problems on polyhedral meshes. phdTheses, Université Paris-Est, 2016. URL:
Xavier MARTIN. Modélisation d'écoulements fluides en milieu encombré d'obstacles. Theses, Aix Marseille Université, November 2015. URL:
Jérôme Bonelle. Compatible discrete operator schemes on polyhedral meshes for elliptic and Stokes equations. phdTheses, Université Paris-Est, 2014. URL:
Adrien Etcheverlepo. Développement de méthodes de domaines fictifs au second ordre. Theses, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, January 2013. URL:
Clara Martineau. Modélisation stochastique du dépôt de particules colloïdales transportées par des écoulements turbulents isothermes et non isothermes. Theses, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, November 2013. URL:
Guillaume Vialaneix. Algorithmes parallèles de manipulation de maillages. Theses, Télécom ParisTech, November 2012. URL:
Jean-Marc Ndombo. Fatigue thermique : simulation numérique des chargements thermohydrauliques dans un té de mélange. PhD thesis, Aix-Marseille, April 2012.
Marie Pomarède. Investigation et application des méthodes d'ordre réduit pour les calculs d'écoulements dans les faisceaux tubulaires d'échangeurs de chaleur. PhD thesis, Université de la Rochelle, La rochelle, 2012.
Amine Metahni. Déposition et réenvol de spores fongiques : contribution à la compréhension du risque nosocomial aérotransmis. Theses, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, December 2012. URL:
Frédéric Dehoux. Modélisation des écoulements turbulents en convection mixte et naturelle. PhD thesis, Université de Poitiers, October 2012.
Benoît De Laage De Meux. Modélisation des écoulements turbulents en rotation et en présence de transferts thermiques par approche hybride RANS/LES zonale. Theses, ISAE-ENSMA Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechique - Poitiers, May 2012. URL:
Christophe Henry. Modélisation stochastique du dépôt de particules colloïdales sur des parois rugueuses dans un écoulement turbulent. phd, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris ; 1971-2017), 2012. URL:
Kateryna Dorogan. Numerical schemes for the hybrid modeling of gas-particle turbulent flows. Theses, Aix-Marseille Université ; EDF R&D, May 2012. URL:
Bertrand Sapa. Contribution à l'extension d'un schéma incompressible pour les flammes à bas nombre de Froude - Pré-requis à la modélisation de l'incendie. Theses, ISAE-ENSMA Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechique - Poitiers, April 2011. URL:
Billard Flavien. Development of a robust elliptic-blending turbulence model for near-wall, separated and buoyant flows. PhD thesis, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Manchester, 2011. URL:
Nazir Al-Sayed. Modèles LES Invariants par Groupes de Symétries en Écoulements Turbulents Anisothermes. PhD thesis, Université de la Rochelle, La rochelle, 2011.
Yongfeng Qu. Modélisation tri-dimensionnelle des échanges radiatifs et convectifs dans l'atmosphère urbaine. PhD thesis, Université Paris-Est, Marne la vallée, 2011. URL:\&view_this_doc=pastel-00666690\&version=1.
Yacine Kahil. Simulation des grandes échelles d'écoulements turbulents autour de cylindres circulaires à un nombre de Reynolds sous critique. PhD thesis, Paris 6, 2011. Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Sagaut, Pierre Mécanique Paris 6 2011 (2011PA066631). URL:
Stefano Rolfo. LES and Hybrid RANS/LES turbulence modelling in unstructured finite volume code and applications to nuclear reactor fuel bundle. traditional, The University of Manchester, 10/2010 2010. URL:
Xiaojing Zhang. Modélisation du brouillard durant la campagne ParisFog : approche prédictive et étude de l'effet des hétérogénéités spatiales. PhD thesis, Ecole Nationale des ponts et Chaussées, 2010. URL:
Arthur Sarthou. Méthodes de pénalisation locale pour la simulation de l'interaction d'écoulements instationnaires avec des structures solides fixes ou mobiles. PhD thesis, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 2009. URL:\&view_this_doc=tel-00460206\&version=1.
Philippe Nerisson. Modélisation du transfert des aérosols dans un local ventilé. PhD thesis, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, 03/2009 2009.
Laurent Laporte. Application d'un code de CFD atmosphérique à l'estimation du productible éolien en terrain complexe. PhD thesis, Université Paris-Est, Marne la vallée, 2008. URL:\&view_this_doc=tel-00489343\&version=1.
Yannick Lecocq. Contribution à l'analyse et à la modélisation des écoulements turbulents en régime de convection mixte. Application à l'entreposage des déchets radioactifs. PhD thesis, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, 2008. URL:
Vincent Fichet. Modélisation de la combustion du gaz naturel par réseaux de réacteurs avec cinétique chimique détaillée. PhD thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, Paris, 2008. URL:
Laurent Chemartin. Modélisation des arcs électriques dans le contexte du foudroiement des aéronefs. PhD thesis, Université de Rouen, Rouen, 2008. URL:
Mathieu Guingo. Modélisation stochastique du dépôt et du réentraînement de particules dans un écoulement turbulent. PhD thesis, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, 2008.
David Monfort. Approche zonale sans maillage pour la modélisation de la turbulence pariétale en Simulation des Grandes Echelles. PhD thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris, 2009. Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Sagaut, Pierre Sciences de l'ingénieur Paris 6 2009. URL:
Vincent Robin. Contribution à la Modélisation des Écoulements Turbulents Réactifs Partiellement Prémélangés. PhD thesis, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, 2007. Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Champion, Michel et Mura, Arnaud Energétique, thermique, combustion Poitiers 2007. URL:
Emmanuel Demaël. Modélisation de la dispersion atmosphérique en milieu complexe et incertitudes associées. PhD thesis, Ecole Nationale des ponts et Chaussées, Marne la vallée, 2007. URL:
Atabak Fadai-Ghotbi. Modélisation de la turbulence en situation instationnaire par approches URANS et HYBRIDE RANS-LES. Prise en compte des effets de paroi par pondération elliptique. PhD thesis, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, 2007. URL:
Bastien Albriet. Modélisation numérique des aérosols à l'échelle locale. PhD thesis, Ecole Nationale des ponts et Chaussées, Marne la vallée, 2007. URL:\&view_this_doc=pastel-00002574\&version=1.
Sofiane Benhamadouche. Large Eddy Simulation with the unstructured collocated arrangement. PhD thesis, University of Manchester, Manchester, 2006. URL:
Maya Milliez. Modélisation micro-météorologique en milieu urbain : dispertion des polluants et prise en compte des effets radiatifs. PhD thesis, Ecole Nationale des ponts et Chaussées, Marne la vallée, 2006. URL:\&view_this_doc=pastel-00004042\&version=1.
Emmanuel Bouzereau. Représentation des nuages chauds dans le modèle météorologique « MERCURE » : Application aux panaches d'aéroréfrigérants et aux précipitations orographiques. PhD thesis, Université Paris VI, Paris, 2004. URL: