Starting calculation
At line 164 of file /homel/abernus/Bureau/code_saturne/code_saturne-7.2.0/src/base/ecrlis.f90
Internal Error: get_unit(): Bad internal unit KIND
Post-calculation operations
solver script exited with status 3.
Error running the calculation.
Check run_solver.log and error* files for details.
Domain None (code_saturne):
run_solver.log, error*.
Run failed in calculation stage.
I also join the file .log. I have no idea why this error and what means status 3.
I do not find the error file.
Do you have any user subroutines ? This might be an installation error, but also due to a memory overwrite error (most frequent with user-defined functions, but possible in the case of bugs/unhandled features).
I install the program on my personal computer, and I do not add any user subroutines.
However, during the installation I have used the command sudo with python installator to success to install the library CGNS. I read it was not recommended, but it was the only way to success to add this library.
At one moment, I delete to reinstall the software to try again, but it was a mistake and I after use a clear command to reinstall after.
How can I check if it is a memory overwrite error ?
Could you post some of your installation logs (installation setup file, configure.log if possible).
You should not need to be sudo to install CGNS as long as you install everything to a user (i.e. /home/<user>/.....) and not system (i.e. /usr or /usr/local) directory. If you still get an error during install, you can post it here.
But without the detailed error messages, it is very difficult to guess at what is wrong.