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Simulation of Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Code_Saturne

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 9:36 am
by darchyvi
Hi everyone :)

As part of my PhD thesis, I would like to simulate different types of atmospheric boundary layer (laminar and turbulent). I'm quite new in CFD calculation as in Code_Saturne and I face some difficulties.

To begin, I want to simulate classic cases such as Neutral or Convective atmospheric boundary layer. To do that, I have to define Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions on velocity and pressure fields (forcing, stress-free and no-slip conditions).

The problem is I don't see where I can fix these conditions with the GUI of code_saturne. Thus, I have 2 questions :

1) Is it possible to define Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions directly with the GUI ?
2) How can I specify these conditions directly in a config file ? (Setup.XML ?)

Thank you in advance.
Regards. Victor

Re: Simulation of Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Code_Saturne

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 12:48 am
by Yvan Fournier

Settings available through the GUI and in a setup.xml file are the same.

For most variables, you can set Neumann and Dirichlet conditions through the GUI. Although when wall laws are used (for turbulence), Dirichlet values are actually transormed into Robin conditions through those laws. Using "true" Dirichlet values ingoring the wall laws can be done with user-defined routines.

Defining a pressure Dirichlet on an inlet also requires user-defined functions. Most of the rest can be done with the GUI.

