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Re: Fluctuating pressure boundary condition for inlet and outlet

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 8:29 am
by Yvan Fournier

I gave you both answers in previous posts I'm this thread :

- You must place your new subroutine In the same file but outside the user subroutine. And call it from the user subroutine. Another option is to simply place the code block (not as a subroutine) inside the user subroutine (cs_user_boundary_conditions).

- For the time step using ntcabs will word on a single computation but not on a restart. For that, to (ntcabs - ntprev) is better.



Re: Fluctuating pressure boundary condition for inlet and outlet

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:39 pm
by Tsubasa

I did it and post the code just in case when someone want to do or check it.
It seems that the code works correctly without errors, but sorry it is not readable code because I am new to fortran.

Code: Select all

real i_pressure
real, save :: i_narray(500)         ! total calculation step
integer :: total_nstep = 500        ! total calculation step

if(ntcabs ==1)then
  open (17, file='/home/tsubasa/Desktop/dynamis_pressure/simulation/SRC/inlet_pressure_time_history.csv', status='old')
  read (17, '()')       ! skip header
  do i = 1, total_nstep
    read (17, *) i_pressure
    i_narray(i) = i_pressure 
  end do
  close (17)

call getfbr('inlet', nlelt, lstelt)
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
   ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
   itypfb(ifac) = ientre

!Dirichlet B.C for pressure:
   icodcl(ifac,ipr) = 1
   rcodcl(ifac,ipr,1) = i_narray(ntcabs) 

!Neumann B.C for velocity:
   icodcl(ifac,iu)= 3
   icodcl(ifac,iv)= 3
   icodcl(ifac,iw)= 3
Best regards,