convective outlet

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convective outlet

Post by Muhsin »


I would like to test using the convective outlet (icodcl=2) for my calculation.
I just have some very basic questions on the implementation.

Firstly, I use itypfb of ifrent instead of isolib. This should be right isn't it?

As in the guide suggest, rcodcl(ifac,ivar,1)is the flux ivar at the cell center I'.
if I would like to specify for the velocity, would it be sufficient by specifying cvara_vel(idim,iel)? (refer to my attached subroutines)

Meanwhile, for the parameter rcodcl(ifac,ivar,2) we should specify cfl number, correct me if i'm wrong. By the way, what is celerity? can we just specify any number for the celerity or it needs to be the outlet velocity value we want to achieve?

I apologise if too many questions asked.

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