About restarting with a different initialization method

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About restarting with a different initialization method

Post by Alec »


I was wondering how to restart (or initialize for that matter) a calculation from a MED file containing field data. I saw that data from a previous calculation could be written in the MED format (I am familiar with MED 3.0.6/7).

1) Is it possible to initialize a calculation from a MED mesh file containing field data ? (using a cs_user_solver or another subroutine for example)

2) Then, is it possible to have CS(4.0) performing as usual without the solver overwriting the previous initialization ?

Best regards,

Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4103
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: About restarting with a different initialization method

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Short answer: no

I have wanted to do this for quite a while, but something of higher priority always pops up. Hopefully this might be done in 2015...

If the code is built with MED support, a user could manage this from the usiniv/cs_user_initialization subroutine relatively easily (using iso_c_bindings rather than the MED Fortran bindings, which we do not link to), at least in serial mode and with meshes with a single element type. Do do it in a more general manner amounts to developing that missing feature...



Re: About restarting with a different initialization method

Post by Alec »

Allright, thank you for your answer.

I actually tried to guess how to restart from a different mesh with a checkpoint or a med file. I noticed another thread about this and I looked over CS4 source to see how it was managed. The thing is I am not familiar with FVM and I don't have time to develop this feature.

I hope it will be available one day though. It would be a great thing to restart with a modified mesh in the gui or easily enough.
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