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Syrthes Installation error SalomeMeca 2014.1 and CS 3.3

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:10 am
by p0kerus
Greetings all;
i was trying to compile Syrthes with Salome and CS3.3
I have my config.ini file below and sourced the /home/saahil/salome/appli_V7_3_0/env.d/

Code: Select all

# Architecture Name
#nom_arch  Linux_x86_64    <- for specific architecture
#nom_arch                  <- leave empty for automatic default
#                              value (based on uname)
# C compiler (sequential)
#compC  /home/toto/gcc-x.y.z/gcc <- for specific C compiler
#compCX /home/toto/gcc-x.y.z/g++ <- for specific C++ compiler (only needed for MPI installation)
#compC   gcc                     <- leave gcc for automatic default
#compCX  g++                     <- leave g++ for automatic default
compC   gcc
compCX  g++
# Specific options for compiler 
#specific_inc= -I /myinclude/inc -I /myinclude2/inc 
#specific_lib= -L /mylib/lib1 -L /mylib/lib2
#specific_debug= -g 
#specific_option= -D _SYRTHES_MPI_IO_
#specific_makej= -j4
# Graphical user Interface
gui  INSTALL=yes 
# SYRTHES4 - kernel - sequential version
# Answer by yes or no
syrthesppfunc  INSTALL=yes
syrthesseq     INSTALL=yes
# SYRTHES4 - tools for meshes and results conversions
# Choose your type of installation and answer by yes or no
# Select the line corresponding to your choice
# for MED format conversion : choose to istall or the path to the libraries
#hdf5   USE=yes  INSTALL=yes
#hdf5  USE=no   INSTALL=no
hdf5   USE=yes  PATH=${HDF5HOME}
#med    USE=yes  INSTALL=yes
#med   USE=no   INSTALL=no
med    USE=yes  PATH=${MED3HOME}
# Answer by yes or no
syrthesconvert INSTALL=yes
syrthesensight INSTALL=yes
syrthesmed     INSTALL=yes
# SYRTHES4 - parall version (optional)
# Choose your type of installation and answer by yes or no
# Select the line corresponding to your choice
#mpi   USE=yes  INSTALL=yes
#mpi  USE=no   INSTALL=no
mpi  USE=yes  PATH=/usr
#metis USE=yes INSTALL=yes
#metis USE=no  INSTALL=no
metis  USE=yes PATH=${METISDIR}
#scotch USE=yes INSTALL=yes
#scotch USE=no  INSTALL=no
scotch  USE=yes PATH=${SCOTCHDIR}
# Answer by yes or no
syrthespp    INSTALL=yes
syrthesmpi   INSTALL=yes
syrthespost  INSTALL=yes
# Optional extern libraries
# Choose your type of installation and answer by yes or no
# Select the line corresponding to your choice
# BLAS Linear algebra library
# blas  USE=no  INSTALL=no
blas USE=yes PATH=/usr/lib/openblas-base
# SYRTHES for coupling with Code-Saturne (optional)
# Warning : MPI installation must be defined before
#ple USE=no
ple USE=yes   PATH=/home/saahil/salome/V7_3_0/modules/code_saturne-3.3.0
# Answer by yes or no
syrthescfd INSTALL=yes
But i get this error i.e in ERREUR.log attached and all other error log
I hope you guys can help me
Thanking You