Code_Saturne forum registration

Questions and remarks about code_saturne usage
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Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4138
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Code_Saturne forum registration

Post by Yvan Fournier »

Dear code_saturne users,

To avoid issues with accounts which seem to be registered by a spambot, for which the PhPBB countermeasures do not seem sufficient, we have activated a question to confuse bots.

The question may not appear clearly, but in any case, the answer is "Navier-Stokes equations !" (with exact capitalization and punctuation).

We have noticed that in many cases, activation e-mails are filtered by anti-spam/anti-phishing systems, so may not be received.
In case activation of your account is not immediate, you may send an e-mail to code_saturne-support at (this is doubly an anti-spam address: for the true address, remove "code_" from the address above). Do not forget to provide your name, and chosen account name, and formulate your message well enough that it does not seem to be sent by a bot. Also, as usual with such mechanisms, first check you spam folder in case a message sent by this forum is incorrectly flagged.

Best regards,

The code_saturne team
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