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libccmio: is there a specific manual/procedure?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:40 pm
by Laurent Malod-Panisset

It appears to be possible to have Star-CD/Star-CCM+ input/output using the libccmio library.

How to do this?

I noticed a "prototype" of automated installation is present in the Code Saturne rc1 installer but it is just experimental or "industrial-grade"?

Thanks in advance

[low priority question]

Re: libccmio: is there a specific manual/procedure?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:49 pm
by David Monfort

Indeed, the preprocessor can be linked with the libCCMIO library in order to enable the Star-CCM+ file reading (namely *.ccm). This library can be obtained on request on the CD-Adapco website.

The "prototype" reference you see in the automatic installer is related to an old version that can/could be obtained in the VISIT website. However, the library has evolved and the one described in the automatic installer is not compatible with our reader (some adaptations have been made for 64 bits in latest versions of the library).

So, this is not really a matter of prototype / industrial level, but rather a matter of differences between the libCCMIO versions.
