Output frequency in physical time and not iterations

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Lucien Samary

Output frequency in physical time and not iterations

Post by Lucien Samary »

Hello, I
am doing a simulation with a not constant time step and I want to
make a film in Paraview from my results. In this scope, I would like to have an output with a frequency in physical time. By default, Code_Saturne provides a frequency with iterations. I hesitate to do something in usvpst.f90 or dvvpst.f90. What do you recommend? Thank you.
David Monfort

Re: Output frequency in physical time and not iterations

Post by David Monfort »

It's true that Code_Saturne outputs probes monitoring files and 3d graphical files according to a time-step frequency. If you're calculation has a constant time-step, it should be equivalent (note that the second column of probes monitoring files stores the physical time, i.e dtref*ntcabs, and that the EnSight ".case" file also contains the physical time).
Nonetheless, if you want to change the behaviour of the EnSight output, you have to modify the usnpst.f90 user subroutine. Here, you can (de)activate the writer "indwri" through the subroutine "pstact", depending on a condition on the physical time "ttcabs" for example. A writer corresponds to a specific EnSight or MED output and can contain several parts or sub-meshes (like cells, boundary faces, ...). The default writer number is -1, user ones (defined in usdpst.f90) begin at 1, and 0 means all the writers.
Hope this helps!
ps: if you want to also modify probes monitoring output, you can try the ushist.f90 subroutine.
Lucien Samary

Re: Output frequency in physical time and not iterations

Post by Lucien Samary »

OK it works! Thanks for the tips.
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