2 questions related to Code_Saturne usage

Questions and remarks about code_saturne usage
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Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:48 pm

2 questions related to Code_Saturne usage

Post by Julien.Commanay »

Dear all,

I would have 2 questions related to Code_Saturne usage:
1) If I select a volume zone thanks to box[...] and that I want to impose in scalar value in this area, is 'volume' predifined symbol in the GUI the volume of the box[...] or the volume of the cells that are associated to box interception?
2) I'm doing some cases related to atmospheric dispersion with real data including topography and land use. When doing post processing thanks to Paraview, I don't see how I can do terrain following outputs (10 meters above ground level for example). I was thinking about creating a 3D field in Code_Saturne that would be the "height above ground level" thanks to altitude and Z Ground. Would you have some recommandations to do this (this would not be a scalar but a constant 3D field)?

Thanks in advance for your feedback
Yvan Fournier
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Re: 2 questions related to Code_Saturne usage

Post by Yvan Fournier »


1) I think this is the zone of the volume.

2) If you need to compute some combination of z and z_gound, I would use ParaView's calculator. There is also a calculator in the development branch of code_saturne, but I would recommend using the combination that requires the smallest volume of I/O (at least this is what I consider most elegant ; both should work).

Best regards,

Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:48 pm

Re: 2 questions related to Code_Saturne usage

Post by Julien.Commanay »

Hello Yvan,

Thanks for your feedback.

For the second point, I finally managed to activate and post-process "wall_distance" calculation from Code_Saturne in order to handle this topic easily in paraview. "wall_distance is not a default output so I had to activated it from user's subroutines but what I obtain seems to be aligned with my initial objective.

Best regards

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