"No such file or directory" when trying to use the Mathematical expression editor

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"No such file or directory" when trying to use the Mathematical expression editor

Post by MarionB »

Hi everyone,

We recently had Code_Saturne 8.0.2 installed on our Linux / CentOS6 system, and I have started using CS8 to see if everything is installed correctly. I am not an administrator on this system.

I am stuck everytime I use the Mathematical Expression Editor, I get an error message "No such file or directory" when I click on "OK" (even if I change nothing). I have this issue for initialisation, and also when I tried to use Postprocessing profiles.

I suspect an installation problem, but I haven't found any answers in the forum.

Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong here ?


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Yvan Fournier
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: "No such file or directory" when trying to use the Mathematical expression editor

Post by Yvan Fournier »


This issue was analyzed on a separate support channel.

For other people reading this post, the issue seems to be due to the build process used by the IT support team installing the compilers locally as prerequisites, but not providing them in the final install.

We had a similar issue about 2 years ago with a Spack install, but from what I understood at the tile, the user (who was quite active with Spack) pushed for the needed changes so that this issue was solved.

So if anyone else is tempted to install some development tools only on a build machine and not on a deployment machine, this is fine with the PyQt tools for example, but not with the main compilers, which are needed for many functions of the code.

Best regards,

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