Problem using cgns format mesh file from STAR CCM+ on CS 7.0

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Re: Problem using cgns format mesh file from STAR CCM+ on CS 7.0

Post by ximeng »

Hello, Yvan,

Thanks for your help!

The problem is always encountered with large mesh cases. I contacted the Archer2 and solved the problem finnaly.

I always use login nodes on Archer2 to do preprocess of code_saturne and use compute nodes to do the standard calculation. Due to the memory limitation of login nodes on Archer2, the error would be encountered at the preprocess stage for large mesh case. Therefore, the solution is also to use compute nodes to do preprocess on Archer2 for code_saturne. I have tested several meshes and all work. (All the meshes are generated by STAR CCM+ 2019 with version 3.2 CGNS.) I will test more refined mesh cases later.

Thanks again! Have a nice day.

Best regards,
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