Best way to export force coefficient data to files

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Best way to export force coefficient data to files

Post by finzeo »

Hi all,

I am currently doing runs on bus aerodynamics. It is useful for me, at the end of each iteration, to calculate coefficients of forces (drag, lift and lateral) and moments. Also, I calculate the average, minimum, and maximum value of yplus at a certain part of the boundary. I'm currently doing these calculations in cs_user_extra_operations.c and just printing them out by terminal.
I know using basic C utilities I could easily save this data to text files, but my question is, what is the most efficient way you can find to save and dispose of the data I am calculating? (using code_saturne functionalities).
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Re: Best way to export force coefficient data to files

Post by jcharris »

For saving to text files, there are a few examples in src/user_examples that do exactly this, such as ... culation.c
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