Syrthes (stand alone) execution time

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Posts: 48
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:35 pm

Syrthes (stand alone) execution time

Post by tpa »

Hello users of Syrthes.

I am running a simulation with conduction and radiation, simplified to be a 2D axisymmetric problem. It does not appear huge:

Code: Select all

Conduction mesh:
                           |   Volumic mesh     |  Boundary mesh   |
      | Dimension          |               2    |               2  |
      | Number of nodes    |            1136    |      unused      |
      | Number of elements |            1444    |             823  |
      | Nb nodes per elt   |               3    |               2  |

Radiation mesh:
                           |   Volumic mesh     |
      | Dimension          |           2        |
      | Number of nodes    |        6878        |
      | Number of elements |        6876        |
      | Nb nodes per elt   |           2        |
Nonetheless it is now on second day of running with the progress bar stuck at 30%. The last lines of the listing say:

Code: Select all


 *** decode_clim_ray : Radiation face face type according the boundary conditions
           |   Boundary conditions      |  Nbre of faces |
           |   Coupled with the solid   |       6876     |
           |     Imposed temperature    |          0     |
           |      Prescribed flux       |          0     |
           |         Windows            |          0     |
           |        Sky dome            |          0     |

 *** init_scoupr : number of solid faces coupled to radiation = 705

 *** Solid/radiation corresponding points calculation

 *** init_scoupr : number of solid faces coupled to radiation = 705
so I guess it is calculating viewfactors as this is probably the most time consuming part. But several days ...? I have solved the problem at hand with a normal 2D approximation instead in a cross section perpendicular to what is my axis of rotation. I would really like to see what happens along the axis as well and I would avoid 3D model as this would be a heavy calculation.

I found this behaviour in Syrthes v4.3 but it is also present in the freshly built Syrthes v5.0 which I will give a few days to complete. But it does seem a long wait.

Are there anyone here with experience using the 2D axisymmetric modelling?
Posts: 48
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:35 pm

Re: Syrthes (stand alone) execution time

Post by tpa »

Update on 3rd day of running: I just killed it. Apparently I have to try something else.
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