coupling Code_Saturne with Syrthes on mint 20.1

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Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 10:22 am

Re: coupling Code_Saturne with Syrthes on mint 20.1

Post by niuniuaba »

This file describes the tested combinations, but does not imply non-tested combinations do not work.
Thanks for pointing out.

I have tested two cases:
(1) syrthes-4.3.5 / salome-9.4.0 (hdf5-1.10.3, med-4.0.0) /
(2) syrthes-4.3.5 / salome-9.6.0 (hdf5-1.10.3, med-4.1.0) /

Case (1) : successful

Code: Select all

$ source /home/wing/Apps/SALOME-9.4/INSTALL/syrthes-4.3.5/arch/Linux_x86_64/bin/syrthes.profile 
$ /home/wing/Apps/SALOME-9.4/INSTALL/syrthes-4.3.5/arch/Linux_x86_64/bin/convert2syrthes4 -m 

  convert2syrthes : convert mesh file to SYRTHES format     

SYRTHES file opened : piston_4.0_.syr

- MED version used to read the file : 4.0.0 
   WARNING : HDF format of the MED file not in accordance with HDF format now used
   WARNING : MED version of the file not in accordance with MED version used now 
   This file has been created with MED 4.0.0 

Name of the MED file :
Name of the MED-SYRTHES correspondance file : piston_4.0_.syr_desc

Reading mesh information...
   Mesh name : Mesh_1 - dimension : 3 - espace : 3
   Number of nodes : 9149 
   Number of tetrahedra P1 : 28700
   Number of triangles P1 : 17412

Writing the head of the file..

WARNING : make sure your mesh is using the meter unit.

Building entity and family association for Nodes... 

Writing coordinates...
Reading elements...
Reading zones ...
Building entity and family association for elements... 
Writing elements...
Reading boundary elements...
Building entity and family association for boundary elements... 

Number of MED families : 1

   Family 1 with 0 attributes et 0 groups 
   Family name FAMILLE_ZERO and number 0 : 
   Number of group in family : 0. Names of group :  

Writing boundary elements...
Modification of the head file...

Writing the head of the file..

SYRTHES file conversion OK.

Case (2): failed

Code: Select all

$ source /home/wing/Apps/SALOME-9.6/INSTALL/syrthes-4.3.5/arch/Linux_x86_64/bin/syrthes.profile 
$ /home/wing/Apps/SALOME-9.6/INSTALL/syrthes-4.3.5/arch/Linux_x86_64/bin/convert2syrthes4 -m 

  convert2syrthes : convert mesh file to SYRTHES format     

SYRTHES file opened : piston_4.1_.syr

- MED version used to read the file : 4.1.0 
   WARNING : HDF format of the MED file not in accordance with HDF format now used
   WARNING : MED version of the file not in accordance with MED version used now 
   This file has been created with MED 4.1.0 

Name of the MED file :
Name of the MED-SYRTHES correspondance file : piston_4.1_.syr_desc

Reading mesh information...
   Mesh name : Mesh_1 - dimension : 3 - espace : 3
   Number of nodes : 9149 
   Number of tetrahedra P1 : 28700
   Number of triangles P1 : 17412

Writing the head of the file..

WARNING : make sure your mesh is using the meter unit.
free(): invalid pointer

Seems it failed in reading stage.
Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4186
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: coupling Code_Saturne with Syrthes on mint 20.1

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Looking at the source code of MEDfilecompatiility, which is not used by code_saturne but used by Syrthes, I cannot really tell which part of the test fails (running a debug build with MED also build in debug mode would help).

The "ldd" command on the MED to Syrthes converter is probably a quicker way to determine if the libraries seen at runtime to are really the ones used at compile time.

Otherwise, using SALOME, you can force SMESH to write a MED file in an older version, so that is also a possible workaround for those who need it.

Best regards,

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