Cannot find syrthes home directory when working on a cluster

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Cannot find syrthes home directory when working on a cluster

Post by Rodolphe »


Working on a cluster, I'm trying to launch Syrthès simulations. Every time I run the simulation, I get directly the following error (note that I was just creating a coupled case here but I get the same error when I run only Syrthès) :

Code: Select all

code_saturne create -s 3_2D_DISKS -c FLUID --syrthes SOLID
code_saturne 6.0.6 study/case generation
  o Creating study '3_2D_DISKS'...
  o Creating case  'FLUID'...
   -> Error !
   check_and_load_env : Cannot find syrthes home directory.

   Error during checking and loading environment.
I've joined the "syrthes.profile" file.

Thanks for your help !

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Yvan Fournier
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Re: Cannot find syrthes home directory when working on a cluster

Post by Yvan Fournier »


I did not look at the Syrthes 5 sources, but I know that for some cases, in the salome_cfd build of Syrthes, I had to patch this position of the file to work around detection issues on some systems (due to some Python 2 to 3 behavior changes), but I don't remember which.

I'll take a look, but I have no plans to cleanup the Syrthes 5 sources and release the cleaned-up version on this web site the way I did with Syrthes 4 (I already have too much to do, so I"ll let the Syrthes team support the tool themselves).

Unless you need features specific to Syrthes (specific transparent radiation model, features specific to buildings, ...), you can now use the built-in conjugate heat transfer ("internal coupling") in code_saturne v7 much more easily (i.e. using the GUI) than in previous versions. V7 is still undergoing validation, but is in pretty good shape (better than 6.3 or 6.2, which are intermediate versions), and is available on GitHub.

Best regards,

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