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Mass flow in cs user boundary condition

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:53 pm
by cs5burn

How can i impose an mass flow inlet whitout specefic modules in cs 5.0 and gui.
User examples in doxygen doesn't help me

Re: Mass flow in cs user boundary condition

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:10 am
by Yvan Fournier

I don't understand whether you want to use the GUI or not (the GUI is recommended; not using the GUI at all should be done only in specific cases such as highly automated workflows or possibly on non-linux systems where installing the graphical environment may be difficult).

In any case, using a mass flow is directly an option in the GUI, If using a user subroutine, you simply need to first compute the zone's surface using an initial loop, so as to be able to determine the local inlet velocity.

Best regards,


Re: Mass flow in cs user boundary condition

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 1:15 am
by cs5burn
it is not possible to impose a mass flow as it is indicated in the doxygen documentation ?
The only examples I find are those for physical modules and I do not use a specific physical module in my code.

iqimp(izone) = 1
qimp(izone) = 0.8d0

rcodcl(ifac,iu,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iv,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iw,1) = 0.5d0

Re: Mass flow in cs user boundary condition

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:02 am
by Yvan Fournier

There is no risk in testing it, but I do not think it will work. There are some differences in the way things are handled in specific modules, which should be resolved in an upcoming unified rewrite of boundary conditions in C, but for now, you will probably get zero mass flux.

Best regards,
