How to impose different inlet conditions

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How to impose different inlet conditions

Post by noamc »

Hello, I am new on this forum. I am student in the mathematical field and I work in a company using Code_Saturne.
As a training, I would like to model a rejection of a chimney near a mountain (The puy de dome, France).
For now, I only use gui interface.
I made a simulation imposing a velocity of my chimney (normal to the inlet) and of my atmosphere (dy = 1.0, dx=dz=0.0) and it worked.
But now I would like to try to use an extern meteo file and I have a problem when I use for the atmosphere (basically a cylinder with an altitude of 2000 meters) "Meteorological profile from data" and "automatic inlet/outlet nature..." and for the chimney the velocity normal to the inlet.
This is the listing file :

Code: Select all



                      Version 5.0.9

  Copyright (C) 1998-2018 EDF S.A., France

  revision 5.0.9-9b87d1bcb
  build ven. 16 nov. 2018 15:19:47 CET
  MPI version 3.1 (Open MPI 2.1.1)

  The Code_Saturne CFD tool  is free software;
  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
  of the GNU General Public License as published by the
  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
  or (at your option) any later version.

  The Code_Saturne CFD tool is distributed in the hope that
  it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  for more details.


Local case configuration:

  Date:                ven. 14 déc. 2018 10:07:15 CET
  System:              Linux 4.15.0-42-generic (Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS)
  Machine:             noam-VirtualBox
  Processor:           model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
  Memory:              3944 MB
  User:                noam (Noam)
  Directory:           /home/noam/Documents/Tutos_code_saturne/PdD/case1/RESU/20181214-1007
  MPI ranks:           4 (appnum attribute: 0)
  OpenMP threads:      1
  Processors/node:     5
  I/O read method:     collective MPI-IO (explicit offsets)
  I/O write method:    collective MPI-IO (explicit offsets)
  I/O rank step:        1

  External libraries for partitioning:
    ParMETIS 4.0.3
    PT-SCOTCH 6.0.4

 Reading metadata from file: "mesh_input"




 No error detected during the data verification
                          cs_user_parameters.f90 and others).





 --- Physics
       NVAR   =              8 (Nb variables                )
       NSCAL  =              2 (Nb scalars                  )
       NSCAUS =              1 (Nb user scalars             )
       NSCAPP =              1 (Nb specific physics scalars )


 ** VOF METHOD                              

       IVOFMT =             -1 ( -1: inactive                )
                               (  0: active                  )


       ICAVIT =             -1 (-1: single phase flow       )
                               ( 0: no vap./cond. model     )
                               ( 1: Merkle's model        )



 --- Per-variable properties

 Variable          ISTAT      CDTVAR
 Velocity              1  0.1000E+01
 Pressure              0  0.1000E+01
 k                     1  0.1000E+01
 epsilon               1  0.1000E+01
 PotTemp               1  0.1000E+01
 No2                   1  0.1000E+01

       ISTAT  =  0 ou  1       (1 for unsteady              )
       CDTVAR >  0             (time step multiplier        )

 --- Order of base time stepping scheme
       ISCHTP =              1 (1: order 1; 2: order 2      )



  -- Phase continue :

       ISTMPF =              1 (time scheme for flow
                               (0: explicit (THETFL = 0     )
                               (1: std scheme (Saturne 1.0  )
                               (2: 2nd-order (THETFL = 0.5  )
       THETFL =   -0.99900E+03 (theta for mass flow         )
       IROEXT =              0 (density extrapolation
                               (0: explicit
                               (1: n+thetro with thetro=1/2
                               (2: n+thetro with thetro=1
       THETRO =    0.00000E+00 (theta for density
       IVIEXT =              0 (total viscosity extrapolation
                               (0: explicit
                               (1: n+thetvi with thetro=1/2
                               (2: n+thetvi with thetro=1
       THETVI =    0.00000E+00 (theta for total viscosity
       ICPEXT =              0 (specific heat extrapolation
                               (0: explicit
                               (1: n+thetcp with thetro=1/2
                               (2: n+thetcp with thetro=1
       THETCP =    0.00000E+00 (specific heat theta-scheme
       THETSN =    0.00000E+00 (Nav-Stokes S.T. theta scheme)
       THETST =    0.00000E+00 (Turbulence S.T. theta-scheme)
       EPSUP  =    0.10000E-04 (Velocity/pressure coupling
                                stop test                   )



 Variable              EPSILO IDIRCL
 Velocity          0.1000E-07      1
 Pressure          0.1000E-07      1
 k                 0.1000E-07      1
 epsilon           0.1000E-07      1
 PotTemp           0.1000E-07      1
 No2               0.1000E-07      1

       EPSILO =                (resolution precision)
       IDIRCL = 0 ou 1         (shift diagonal if
                                ISTAT=0 and no Dirichlet)



       ITBRRB =              0 (T or H reconstruction at bdy)

 Variable         Number ISCACP  ITURT     VISLS0      SIGMAS
 No2                   1      0      0  0.1815E-04  0.7000E+00
 PotTemp               2      1      0  0.1830E-04  0.7000E+00

 Variable         Number      RVARFL
 No2                   1  0.8000E+00
 PotTemp               2  0.8000E+00

 Variable         Number ICLVFL      SCAMIN      SCAMAX
 No2                   1     -1 -0.1000E+13  0.1000E+13
 PotTemp               2     -1  0.0000E+00  0.1000E+13


       For each scalar, the number indicates it's rank
         in the list of all scalars. User scalars are placed
         first, from 1 to NSCAUS. Specific physics scalars
         are placed at the end, from

       ISCACP = 0 or 1     2   (use Cp or not               )
       VISLS0 = >0             (Reference viscosity         )
       SIGMAS = >0             (Schmidt                     )
       RVARFL = >0             (Rf, cf variance dissipation )
       ICLVFL = 0, 1 or 2      (Variance clipping mode      )
       SCAMIN =                (Min authorized value        )
       SCAMAX =                (Max authorized value        )
        For variances, SCAMIN is ignored and SCAMAX is used
          only if ICLVFL = 2

   Scalar        THETSS    IVSEXT      THETVS
          1  0.0000E+00         0  0.0000E+00
          2  0.0000E+00         0  0.0000E+00

       THETSS =                (theta for source terms      )
                               ((1+theta).new-theta.old     )
       IVSEXT =                (extrap. total viscosity     )
                               (0: explicit                 )
                               (1: n+thetvs with thetvs=1/2 )
                               (2: n+thetvs with thetvs=1   )
       THETVS =                (theta for scalar diffusivity
                               ((1+theta).new-theta.old     )



 --- Restarted calculation
       ISUITE =              0 (1: restarted calculation    )
       ILEAUX =              1 (1: read  restart/auxiliary  )
       IECAUX =              1 (1: write checkpoint/auxiliary)

 --- Calculation time
     The numbering of time steps and the measure of simulated
       physical time are absolute values, and not values
       relative to the current calculation.

       INPDT0 =              0 (1: 0 time step calcuation   )
       NTMABS =            100 (Final time step required    )

 --- CPU time margin
       TMARUS =   -0.10000E+01 (CPU time margin before stop )



 --- Restart file
       NTSUIT =              0 (Checkpoint frequency )

 --- Probe history files
       NTHIST =              1 (Output frequency     )
       FRHIST =     -.10000E+01 (Output frequency (s) )
         --           --                --

 --- Log files
       NTLIST =              1 (Output frequency     )

       Number Name                IWARNI verbosity level
                                      (-999: not applicable)

 Velocity                       0
 Pressure                       0
 k                              0
 epsilon                        0
 PotTemp                        0
 No2                            0
 PotTemp                     -999
 Density                     -999
 Boundary Density            -999
 CourantNb                   -999
 FourierNb                   -999
 RealTemp                    -999
 Local Time Step             -999
 Yplus                       -999
         --           --                --

 --- Additional post-processing variables (ipstdv)
       ipstfo =              1 (Force exerted by the
                                     fluid on the boundary)
       ipstyp =              1 (y+ at boundary)
       ipsttp =              0 (T+ at boundary)
       ipstft =              1 (Thermal flux   at boundary)
       ipstnu =              0 (Dimensionless thermal
                                          flux at boundary)



       IALE   =              0 (1: activated                )
       NALINF =              0 (Fluid initialization
       IFLXMW =              0 (ALE mass flux computation
                                0: thanks to vertices
                                1: thanks to mesh velocity)


Postprocessing output writers:

  -1: name: results
      directory: postprocessing
      format: EnSight Gold
      time dependency: fixed mesh
      output: every  1.00000e+00 s and at calculation end

  -5: name: 
      directory: monitoring
      format: time_plot
      time dependency: fixed mesh
      output: every 1 time steps

  -6: name: 
      directory: profiles
      format: plot
      time dependency: fixed mesh
      output: at calculation end

 Reading file:        mesh_input
 Finished reading:    mesh_input
 No "partition_input/domain_number_4" file available;


 Partitioning 1217550 cells to 4 domains on 4 ranks

  wall-clock time: 0.967980 s

  Number of cells per domain (histogramm):
    [     297808 ;     299142 [ =          2
    [     299142 ;     300477 [ =          0
    [     300477 ;     301812 [ =          0
    [     301812 ;     303147 [ =          0
    [     303147 ;     304482 [ =          0
    [     304482 ;     305817 [ =          0
    [     305817 ;     307152 [ =          0
    [     307152 ;     308487 [ =          0
    [     308487 ;     309822 [ =          1
    [     309822 ;     311157 ] =          1

 Writing file:        partition_output/domain_number_4
 Finished writing:    partition_output/domain_number_4

 Partitioning finished (1.35 s)


 Halo construction with standard neighborhood

 Face interfaces creation
 Vertex interfaces creation
 Halo creation
 Halo definition
    Local halo definition
    Distant halo creation
    Updating the faces -> cells connectivity

 Histogram of the number of cells per rank:

    minimum value =             297808
    maximum value =             311157

      1 : [     297808 ;     300477 [ =          2
      2 : [     300477 ;     303147 [ =          0
      3 : [     303147 ;     305817 [ =          0
      4 : [     305817 ;     308487 [ =          0
      5 : [     308487 ;     311157 ] =          2


 Histogram of the number of standard + halo cells per rank:

    minimum value =             300792
    maximum value =             314393

      1 : [     300792 ;     303512 [ =          2
      2 : [     303512 ;     306232 [ =          0
      3 : [     306232 ;     308952 [ =          0
      4 : [     308952 ;     311672 [ =          0
      5 : [     311672 ;     314393 ] =          2


 Histogram of the number of ghost cells per rank:

    minimum value =               2624
    maximum value =               3236

      1 : [       2624 ;       2746 [ =          1
      2 : [       2746 ;       2868 [ =          0
      3 : [       2868 ;       2991 [ =          2
      4 : [       2991 ;       3113 [ =          0
      5 : [       3113 ;       3236 ] =          1


 Histogram of the number of interior faces per rank:

    minimum value =             586866
    maximum value =             611649

      1 : [     586866 ;     591822 [ =          2
      2 : [     591822 ;     596779 [ =          0
      3 : [     596779 ;     601735 [ =          0
      4 : [     601735 ;     606692 [ =          0
      5 : [     606692 ;     611649 ] =          2


 Histogram of the number of boundary faces per rank:

    minimum value =              24745
    maximum value =             155202

      1 : [      24745 ;      50836 [ =          3
      2 : [      50836 ;      76927 [ =          0
      3 : [      76927 ;     103019 [ =          0
      4 : [     103019 ;     129110 [ =          0
      5 : [     129110 ;     155202 ] =          1


 Histogram of the number of interior faces per cell:

    minimum value =                  1
    maximum value =                  4

      1 : [          1 ;          2 [ =          7
      2 : [          2 ;          3 [ =        867
      3 : [          3 ;          4 ] =    1216676


 Histogram of the number of neighboring domains per rank:

    minimum value =                  3
    maximum value =                  3

      1 : [          3 ;          3 ] =          4


 Global definition of the number of elements (cells, vertices, faces...)
Synchronizing cell families

 Renumbering mesh:

   renumbering for cells:
     pre-numbering:                       none
     cells adjacent to ghost cells last:  no
     numbering:                           none

   renumbering for interior faces:
     cell adjacency pre-ordering:         lowest id first
     faces adjacent to ghost cells last:  no
     numbering:                           none

   renumbering for boundary faces:
     numbering:                           none


 Histogram of volume mesh matrix bandwidth per rank:

    minimum value =             268129
    maximum value =             312162

      1 : [     268129 ;     276935 [ =          1
      2 : [     276935 ;     285742 [ =          0
      3 : [     285742 ;     294548 [ =          0
      4 : [     294548 ;     303355 [ =          1
      5 : [     303355 ;     312162 ] =          2

 Histogram of volume mesh matrix profile/lines per rank:

    minimum value =               3689
    maximum value =              12643

      1 : [       3689 ;       5479 [ =          1
      2 : [       5479 ;       7270 [ =          0
      3 : [       7270 ;       9061 [ =          1
      4 : [       9061 ;      10852 [ =          1
      5 : [      10852 ;      12643 ] =          1

 Mesh coordinates:               minimum    and maximum
                       X : -5.2468764e+03 -4.4687636e+02
                       Y :  8.3536515e+02  5.6353651e+03
                       Z :  8.4535616e+02  1.8358480e+03
     Number of cells:          1217550
     Number of interior faces: 2390709
     Number of boundary faces: 231176
     Number of vertices:       310654

       boundary faces:         6776
       boundary faces:        10801
       boundary faces:        71197
       boundary faces:            8
       cells:               1217550

 --- Information on the volumes
       Minimum control volume      =  5.6744883e-02
       Maximum control volume      =  8.6477605e+05
       Total volume for the domain =  1.4561449e+10

  Criterion 1: Orthogonality:
    Number of bad cells detected: 0 -->   0 %

  Criterion 2: Offset:
    Number of bad cells detected: 20770 -->   2 %

  Criterion 3: Least-Squares Gradient Quality:
    Number of bad cells detected: 676 -->   0 %

  Criterion 4: Cells Volume Ratio:
    Number of bad cells detected: 0 -->   0 %

  Criterion 5: Guilt by Association:
    Number of bad cells detected: 0 -->   0 %

    Mesh quality issue has been detected

    The mesh should be re-considered using the listed criteria.

    The calculation will run but the solution quality may be degraded...

 Computing geometric quantities (0.801 s)
       ALMAX  =    0.24419E+04 (Characteristic length       )
       ALMAX is the cubic root of the domain volume.

       ALMAX is the length used to initialize the turbulence.
 Reading dimensions for meteo profiles
 Reading meteo profiles data

 printing meteo profiles
 year, quant-day, hour, minute, second:
 2018   15  11  23      8.00
 zdmet, umet, vmet, ekmet, epmet:
     1.00   -0.00   -3.08 0.166E+00 0.261E-01
     2.00   -0.00   -3.46 0.166E+00 0.131E-01
     4.00   -0.00   -3.84 0.166E+00 0.654E-02
     8.00   -0.00   -4.21 0.166E+00 0.327E-02
    16.00   -0.00   -4.59 0.166E+00 0.164E-02
    32.00   -0.00   -4.96 0.166E+00 0.818E-03
    64.00   -0.00   -5.34 0.166E+00 0.409E-03
   128.00   -0.00   -5.72 0.166E+00 0.204E-03
   256.00   -0.00   -6.09 0.166E+00 0.102E-03
   512.00   -0.00   -6.47 0.166E+00 0.511E-04
  1024.00   -0.00   -6.85 0.166E+00 0.256E-04
  1524.00   -0.00   -7.06 0.166E+00 0.172E-04
  2024.00   -0.00   -7.22 0.166E+00 0.129E-04
     1.00   19.22  292.08  1.1959  100350.000 0.831E-02
     2.00   19.16  292.03  1.1960  100338.268 0.828E-02
     4.00   19.10  291.99  1.1960  100314.802 0.825E-02
     8.00   19.04  291.97  1.1957  100267.877 0.822E-02
    16.00   18.98  291.98  1.1948  100174.074 0.818E-02
    32.00   18.92  292.08  1.1928   99986.692 0.815E-02
    64.00   18.86  292.33  1.1886   99612.900 0.812E-02
   128.00   18.79  292.88  1.1800   98869.349 0.809E-02
   256.00   18.73  294.06  1.1627   97398.551 0.806E-02
   512.00   18.67  296.50  1.1286   94521.677 0.803E-02
  1024.00   18.61  301.50  1.0631   89019.225 0.800E-02
  1524.00   18.58  306.48  1.0027   83954.214 0.798E-02
  2024.00   18.55  311.56  0.9458   79176.915 0.797E-02



  Variable          Min. value  Max. value
  Velocity         -0.0000E+00 -0.0000E+00
  Velocity         -0.7154E+01 -0.6723E+01
  Velocity          0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00
  Pressure          0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00
  k                 0.1660E+00  0.1660E+00
  epsilon           0.1462E-04  0.3385E-04
  PotTemp           0.2999E+03  0.3095E+03
  No2               0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00

                dt  0.1000E+01  0.1000E+01




                       MAIN CALCULATION                      



 INSTANT    0.100000000E+01   TIME STEP NUMBER               1

 Property           Min. value  Max. value
  density           0.9682E+00  0.1084E+01
  molecular_viscos  0.1830E-04  0.1830E-04
  turbulent_viscos  0.7939E+02  0.1642E+03

 --- Diffusivity:
 Scalar           Number  Min. value  Max. value
 No2                   1  0.1815E-04  0.1815E-04
 PotTemp               2  0.1830E-04  0.1830E-04


Boundary type          Code    Nb faces
Inlet                     2        4258
Smooth wall               5      153195
Rough wall                6       71197
Symmetry                  4           0
Free outlet               3        2526
Free inlet               14           0
Convective inlet         16           0
Free surface             15           0
Undefined                 1           0

Boundary faces with free inlet/outlet detected
Update of reference point for total pressure
 XYZP0 =   -0.13109E+04   0.13914E+04   0.94102E+03


Boundary type          Code    Nb faces           Mass flow
Inlet                     2        4258         0.000000000E+00
Smooth wall               5      153195         0.000000000E+00
Rough wall                6       71197         0.000000000E+00
Symmetry                  4           0         0.000000000E+00
Free outlet               3        2526         0.000000000E+00
Free inlet               14           0         0.000000000E+00
Convective inlet         16           0         0.000000000E+00
Free surface             15           0         0.000000000E+00
Undefined                 1           0         0.000000000E+00

                                         Minimum     Maximum
   Rel velocity at the wall uiptn :  0.13441E+00 0.62178E+01
   Friction velocity        uet   :  0.57064E-02 0.29815E+00
   Friction velocity        uk    :  0.22313E+00 0.22313E+00
   Dimensionless distance   yplus :  0.17890E+04 0.21169E+06
   Friction thermal sca.    tstar :  0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
   Rough dim-less th. sca.  tplus :  0.15235E+04 0.15315E+04
   Nb of reversal of the velocity at the wall   :          0
   Nb of faces within the viscous sub-layer     :          0
   Total number of wall faces                   :     153195

                                         Minimum     Maximum
   Rel velocity at the wall uiptn :  0.47313E+01 0.68201E+01
   Friction velocity        uet   :  0.11077E+01 0.10481E+02
   Friction velocity        uk    :  0.22313E+00 0.22313E+00
   Rough dimensionless dist yplus :  0.29978E+00 0.12007E+02
   Friction thermal sca.    tstar :  0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
   Rough dim-less th. sca.  tplus :  0.15795E-01 0.12143E+00
   Nb of reversal of the velocity at the wall   :          0

  Hydrostatic pressure computation: 
         updating the Dirichlets at the end (CALHYD)

   Variable     Rhs norm      N_iter  Norm. residual   Drift   Time residual
c  Velocity     0.31453E+09     566   0.98359E-03   0.11841E+01 0.15551E+00 
c  Velocity[X]                                      0.31330E+00 
c  Velocity[Y]                                      0.68656E+00 
c  Velocity[Z]                                      0.18420E+00 
c  Pressure     0.97051E+06      56   0.14429E+02   0.12501E+02 0.92048E+00 
c  k            0.74030E+07     337   0.38704E-02   0.19669E-02 0.35034E+00 
c  epsilon      0.36989E+05    1490   0.19796E+00   0.11492E-03 0.60438E+01 
c  PotTemp      0.14053E+14      77   0.19571E-04   0.23532E-03 0.88645E-04 
c  No2          0.29533E+04     308   0.10978E+00   0.25128E-07 0.99902E+01 

  ** Clippings for computed fields

   field               initial min     initial max  clips to min  clips to max
-  ---------------  --------------  --------------  ------------  ------------
a  k              
a  epsilon        
a  PotTemp        
a  No2            
a  Local Time Step       0.0010895                        169409

  ** Computed fields on cells

   field                   minimum         maximum        set mean    spatial mean
-  ---------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
v  Velocity[X]             -28.625           28.04       0.0054562       -0.052189
v  Velocity[Y]             -31.838          1.9119         -6.8672         -6.8895
v  Velocity[Z]             -12.911          14.309        -0.11959      -0.0083109
v  ǁVelocityǁ             0.030364          35.259          7.0394          6.9239
v  Pressure                -2554.2           20630          468.87          274.89
v  k                       0.11046          3.2394         0.13967         0.12061
v  epsilon              1.4628e-05          11.072        0.060559      0.00080488
v  PotTemp                  299.91          332.99          303.38          305.53
v  No2                           0         0.64149      1.7546e-05      1.9419e-08
v  Density                 0.96823          1.0842          1.0404          1.0148
v  CourantNb                     0               0               0               0
v  FourierNb               0.14021          917.89          12.867          1.3954
v  RealTemp                 18.577          18.673          18.625          18.616
v  Local Time Step             0.1             1.1          0.8735          1.0971

  ** Computed fields on boundary_faces

   field                    minimum         maximum        set mean    spatial mean
-  ----------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
v  PotTemp                   299.87          309.55          302.53          303.89
v  Boundary Density         0.96823          1.0842          1.0507          1.0348
v  Yplus                          0      2.1169e+05           42801           36307

  ** Computed values on cells

   criterion               minimum         maximum        set mean    spatial mean
   ---------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
   Courant/Fourier         0.14021          917.89          12.867          1.3954

 INSTANT    0.200000000E+01   TIME STEP NUMBER               2

@    ========
@    At least one boundary face declared as inlet (or
@      outlet) with prescribed velocity with an entering
@      flow for which the value of a variable has not been
@      specified (Dirichlet condition).
@    The calculation will not be run.                        
@    Verify the boundary condition definitions in the GUI
@    or in the appropriate user subroutine.

First face with boundary condition definition error
  (out of 8)
  has boundary condition type 0, center (0, 0, 0)

/home/noam/Downloads/code_saturne-5.0.9/src/base/cs_boundary_conditions.c:363: Fatal error.

Some boundary condition definitions are incomplete or incorrect.

  For details, read the end of the calculation log,
  or visualize the error postprocessing output.

Call stack:
   1: 0x7f60cd236296 <bft_error+0xc0>                 (
   2: 0x7f60cc5678ac <cs_boundary_conditions_error+0x11b> (
   3: 0x7f60cd1e087b <__cs_c_bindings_MOD_boundary_conditions_error+0x20> (
   4: 0x7f60cc753644 <typecl_+0x11c87>                (
   5: 0x7f60cc4e2851 <condli_+0x1c2f>                 (
   6: 0x7f60cc73c0c9 <tridim_+0x8f9a>                 (
   7: 0x7f60cc4739be <caltri_+0x3afd>                 (
   8: 0x7f60cc435004 <cs_run+0x4ba>                   (
   9: 0x7f60cc4352b5 <main+0x15b>                     (
  10: 0x7f60cbd7db97 <__libc_start_main+0xe7>         (
  11: 0x55e74414c8da <_start+0x2a>                    (cs_solver)
End of stack

Remark : it works when the chimney has the same B.C. than the atmosphere ( "Meteorological profile from data" and "automatic inlet/outlet nature...") but it is not exactly the simulation I would like to make.
Thank you for your time !
Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4077
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: How to impose different inlet conditions

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Could you post the matching xml file ? And either a mesh (if nt too large) or a view of the case ?

Did you visualize the ERROR.* postprocesing file to see which faces cause issues ?


Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:26 am

Re: How to impose different inlet conditions

Post by noamc »

Hello. Thank you for your answer.

Yes I visualized the faces causing the problem, they are the faces of my inlet (the superior part of my chminey).
I enclose the xml file and a view from paraview, the faces causing the problem are the blue ones.
Sorry my mesh is too important to be sent.

Best regards,
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