general documentation


All non-trivial software has bugs, at least at first, so debugging is a part of code development.

  • Is is often easier to debug newly written code than older code
    • At least when done by the same person
    • Test and debug early, before you forget the details of your code
  • Multiple tools and techniques are available
    • Mastering debugging tools and techniques make debugging less painful
  • Bugs detected late are much more costly then those detected early
    • May require re-validation
    • Often harder to debug, because the code details need to be ``re-learned''
    • Be proactive, try to detect as many bugs as possible by testing

Debugging Tools

Debugging methods

When encountering or suspecting a bug, choosing the best debugging technique for the situation can lead to one or more orders of magnitude in time savings.

  • Choosing which tool to use is the difficult part, and can be based on several factors:
    • Comparison of experience to observed effects
    • Leveraging theoretical knowledge and experience
      • Guessing at whether bugs may be due to uninitialized values, out-of-bounds arrays accesses, bad option settings, numerical errors, ...
    • Sometimes, a bit of luck...
  • code_saturne tries to help, so always check for error messages
    • In code_saturne, error*, run_solver.log, messages in batch output logs (or in the console) should be checked.
      • For parallel runs, when both, error and error_r* are present, the latter are the ones which contain the useful information.
    • See section in user guide for more details.
    • Some graphical checks with postprocessing/error* outputs are also available for boundary conditions and linear solvers.

Some debugging tools that should be considered

  • Source code proofreading
    • (Re-) checking for compiler warnings.
    • Interactive debugging
    • Memory debugging
    • Checks/instrumentation in code...
      • Use --enable-debug to configure builds for debug.
        • Enables use of many assert checks in C code.
        • Enables arrays bounds-checking in Fortran.
    • Using recent versions of the GCC or clang compiler, compile/run with AddressSanitizer, UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer, and other tools of this series frequently.
      • Code built this way not compatible with runs under Valgrind.
      • Not compatible either with some resource limits set on some clusters.
      • Overhead: usually about x3.
  • When you known where to search, print statements may be useful...

The GNU debugger

The GNU debugger https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb is a broadly available, interactive debugger for compiled languages including C, C++, and Fortran.

  • To debug an executable, run gdb <executable>
    • Under the gdb prompt, type help for built-in help, q to quit.
    • Help is grouped in categories
      • The most common options are:
        • b (set breakpoint),
        • c (continue to next statement),
        • s (step into function),
        • p (print).
    • Many front-ends are available, including:
  • GDB can provide some information on any compiled program, but provides more detailed and useful information when the program was compiled with debugging info. The matching compiler option is usually -g, and in the case of code_saturne, is provided using the --enable-debug configure option at installation.

GDB basic interface

When used directly, GDB runs in a single terminal frame, as shown here. Only the current line of code is shown, though the list command allows showing more.

GDB in terminal mode

When started with the -tui option, GDB runs in a split terminal, with source on top, commands on bottom.

  • Using the CTRL+x+o key combination allows changing focus from one to the other.
  • Using the CTRL+l key allows refreshing the display.
GDB with split screen

GDB may also be run under Emacs, which provides syntax highlighting of source code.

GDB under Emacs

Graphical front-end recommendations

Many graphical front-ends are available for gdb. When evaluating a front-end, we recommend to check for the following features:

  • Must provide a console to allow combining text-based commands with the graphical elements, or at least easily-accessible widgets in which watchpoints and expressions to print can be typed.
  • Should allow some means (such as command-line options) to connect to a GDB server through a socket interface (more on this later)

The DDD (Data Display Debugger) front-end is obsolete and uses a dated graphical toolkit, but has the advantage of combining a command prompt with graphical tools, and is very easy to use, so it might remain an option.

The Nemiver debugger also has a GDB back-end. It offers a clean display, but lacks the possibility of typing commands; everything must be done using the mouse and menus, which is often tedious. The project seems abandoned. KDbg is similar, slightly more practical, but does not seem to have been very active since 2018.

The gdbgui debugger seems promising, and a good potential successor to DDD. It is based on a web-browser interface,


Full integrated development environments (including Qt Creator, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Kdevelop, Anjuta) are outside the scope of this documentation. Most members of the code_saturne development team mostly use lighter, less integrated tools, so will not be able to provide recommendations regarding their use.

GDB alternatives

The Eclipse CDT and Eclipse PTP (Parallel Tools Platform) environments integrate debuggers, including a parallel debugger, but may use a different syntax than "standalone" GDB, so they are not considered here (though feedback and recommendations around these tools are welcome).

The LLDB debugger is an interesting competitor to GDB, with a different (similar but more verbose) syntax. Is is not as widely available yet, and is not yet handled by the code_saturne debug scripts, though a user familiar with it could of course set it up.

The Valgrind tool suite

The Valgrind tool suite allows the detection of many memory management (and other) bugs.

  • Dynamic instrumentation
    • No need for recompilation
      • Usable with any binary, but provides more info (i.e. code line numbers) with code compiled in debug mode
      • Depending on tool used, run time and memory overhead from 10-100x.
        • With default tool (Memcheck), 10x30.
        • Use proactively, to detect bugs on small cases, before they become a problem in production cases.

Valgrind is easy to run:

  • Prefix a standard command with valgrind
    • By default, uses the memcheck tool.
    • Tool may be changed using valgrind –tool=/cachegrind/callgrind/drd/massif/...
  • Valgrind may be combined with GDB using its gdbserver mode.
    • To use this mode, call valgrind –vgdb-error=<number>
      • The number represents the number of errors after which the gdbserver is invoked (0 to start immediately).
Valgrind in a terminal

GCC and clang sanitizers

Recent versions of the LLVM clang and GCC compilers have additional instrumentation options, allowing memory debugging with a lower overhead than Valgrind.

Address Sanitizer

For the most common errors, use AddressSanitizer, a fast memory error detector.

  • For the code_saturne configure options, this means CFLAGS=-fsanitize=address FCFLAGS=-fsanitize=address LDFLAGS=-fsanitize=address
  • This may sometimes require specifying export LD_LIBRARY_FLAGS=<path_to_compiler_libraries when the compiler is installed in a nonstandard path on older systems.
  • On some machines, this may be unusable if memory resource limits are set (check using ulimit -c
  • Note that the resulting code will not be usable under Valgrind.
  • Uninitialized values are not detected by Address Sanitizer (but may be detected by UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer).
  • Out-of-bounds errors for arrays on stack (fixed size, usually small) are not detected by Valgrind, but may be detected by AddressSanitizer.
  • AddressSanitizer also includes a memory leak checker, which is useful but may also report errors due to system libraries, so to allow a "clean" exit, we may use:

    ``` export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 ```


The UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer instrumentation is also useful to detect other types of bugs, such as division by zero, some memory errors, integer overflows, and more.

  • This may sometimes require also specifying -lubsan and even in some cases specify LD_LIBRARY_FLAGS
  • For the code_saturne configure options, this means CFLAGS=-fsanitize=undefined FCFLAGS=-fsanitize=undefined LDFLAGS=-fsanitize=undefined
  • This may sometimes require specifying export LD_LIBRARY_FLAGS=<path_to_compiler_libraries as per AddressSanitizer.
  • Note that only code compiled with those options is instrumented.

Application to code_saturne

Starting the code_saturne solver under a debugger

Several ways of setting code_saturne to run under a debugger are possible:

  • Using the GUI, set options in Run computation/Advanced options`
    • The associated help provides several examples
    • This sets a debug_args option under the current resources section in the case's run.cfg file, which can also be edited directly.
  • The same options can be provided directly to code_saturne run using the --debug-args option
Example of use of debugger wrapper

When the code is run, the debugger will then be launched automatically.

Arguments required by the debug wrapper

To run the execution under a debugger, a string with the following syntax structure should be used:

<debugger> [debugger_options] [valgrind [[valgrind_options]]

Or, for Valgrind only:

<valgrind> [valgrind options]

where < > denote required arguments, and [ ] optional arguments.

The following debuggers and user interfaces are handled: gdb (GNU Debugger), cuda-gdb, cgdb (console-front-end to gdb), gdbgui (browser-based frontend to gdb), ddd (Data Display Debugger), emacs (as gdb front-end), kdbg (KDbg), kdevelop (KDE developement environment), gede (simple Qt-based gdb GUI), nemiver (GNOME Nemiver debugger), valgrind (Valgrind tools for memory debugging).

If a debugger may not be found in the PATH, an absolute path should be given instead.

The following debug wrapper options are handled:

--asan-bp adds a breakpoint for gcc's Address-Sanitizer
--back-end=gdb path to debugger back-end (for graphical front-ends)
--breakpoints=LIST comma-separated list of breakpoints to insert
--ranks=LIST comma-separated list of MPI ranks to debug
--terminal terminal type to use for console debugger

Other, standard options specific to each debugger may also be used, as long as they do not conflict with options in this wrapper

To combine a Valgrind tool with another debugger, Valgrind's --vgdb-error=<num> option should be used, where <num> is the number of errors after which Valgrind's gdb server should be invoked. This mode is only compatible with the following debuggers: gdb, gdbgui, ddd, emacs, as the other debugger front-ends do not provide the required startup options to connect with the gdb server.

Note that compared to a standalone use of the gdb debugger, running under the debug wrapper automatically sets breakpoints at program start and end and launch the program.

To define commands such as setting breakpoints, a small gdb script with the .gdb extension is generated for each rank. It can be removed safely after program start.

When running in parallel, several debugging windows will be opened if necessary.

Example commands:

To simply run using the gdb debugger:


To run Valgrind's gdb server, stopping at the second error in the terminal:

--terminal=gnome-terminal gdb valgrind --vgdb-error=1

To run Valgrind's gdb server, stopping at the second error:

gdb valgrind --vgdb-error=1

Do do the same using the ddd front-end:

ddd valgrind --vgdb-error=1

To run under gdb with preset brekpoints at bft_error and exit functions:

gdb --asan-bp --breakpoints=bft_error,exit

To debug under gdbgui:


To run under Valgrind's default tool (Memcheck), with a user Valgrind build

<path_to_valgrind> --tool=massif

To run under Valgrind's Massif heap profiler:

valgrind --tool=massif

Terminal settings

To allow for debugging parallel runs and combining GDB and Valgrind, GDB is run under a new terminal.

  • The type of terminal chosen can by defined using the --terminal option.
    • Known issue: on some Debian 10-based systems, running under gnome-terminal crashes GDB. Running under the default xterm or konsole works fine.

By default, xterm will be used. This usually leads to very small, hard to read fonts. This can be fixed by editing $HOME/.Xresources such as in the following example:

!xterm*font: *-fixed-*-*-*-18-*
xterm*faceName: Liberation Mono:size=10:antialias=false
xterm*font: 7x13
xterm*VT100.geometry: 120x60
URxvt*geometry: 120x60
URxvt.font: xft:Terminus:antialias=false:size=10

Starting code_saturne under a debugger manually

Starting the debugger manually in an execution directory avoids creating many directories and waiting for pre-processing before each run.

  • cd to the run directory under RESU/<run_id>.
  • To determine the code options already configured, run cat run_solver to view the execution commands.
  • Add the debugger commands to this to run (unless already done through the GUI or user script).
    • To make this easier, code_saturne provides a cs_debug_wrapper.py script, in the python/code_saturne/base directory of the source tree (and in the lib/python<version>/site-packages/code_saturne directory of an installed build).
    • Run cs_debug_wrapper.py --help for instructions.
  • The XML file may be modified directly using code_saturne gui <file> (ignoring the directory warning).
    • If mathematical expressions are modified, and additional step is required. in this case, it is simpler to generate a new run.
  • When modifying user-defined functions, do not forget to run code_saturne compile -s src_saturne to update the cs_solver executable.

Running under Vim, Neovim, or Atom

The code_saturne debug wrapper does not yet support launching GDB under Vim, Neovim, or Atom.

Various examples of use of debugging with Vim are found on the web, explaining how Termdebug for example can be used.

Support for these tools could be added if users can provide a command-line example for launching a debugging session with their favorite editor and help test this.

Parallel Debugging

Parallel Debugging: MPI

Debugging parallel code_saturne runs is not very different from debugging serial runs.

  • If a true parallel debugger such as TotalView or Arm DDT is available, do not hesitate to use it (by adapting the run_solver script in the exection directory), and ignore the rest of this slide.
  • When no true parallel debugger is available, serial debuggers may be used.
    • Usually one for each process, though using multiple program features allows running only selected ranks under a debugger.
      • For example: mpiexec -n 2 <program> : - n 1 <debug_wrapper> <program> : -n 3 <program> to debug rank 2 of 6
    • The execution may not be restarted from the debugger; the whole parallel run must be restarted.
      • Very painful if not automated.
      • This is where the cs_debug_wrapper.py script really becomes useful.
        • This script also includes a --ranks filter option so as to call the debugger only on selected ranks. For example, using --ranks=2,5 will launch MPI ranks 2 and 5 under a debugger, while other ranks will be run normally.
  • For code_saturne under GDB, to determine a given process's rank, type: print cs_glob_rank_id

Parallel Debugging: OpenMP

Debugging OpenMP data races is much more tricky.

  • Most errors are due to missing private attributes in OpenMP pragmas.
    • In C, using local variable declarations avoids most of these, as those variables are automatically thread-private.
    • Valgrind's DRD (Data Race Detector) tool is quite useful here.
    • GCC's or clang's ThreadSanitizer is also very useful here.
  • In both cases, to avoid false positives, GCC must be built with the –disable-linux-futex configure option, so this requires a special build of GCC.
    • With more recent versions of GCC, this may not be sufficient to avoid false positives...
      • probably due to some optimizations in thread management.

Miscellaneous tips

When having or suspecting issues with loading or selection of shared libraries, use

export LD_DEBUG=libs

before running the code from a terminal. This will log many operations of the dynamic loader.

To obtain more info on available options, use LD_DEBUG=help with any program, for example:

LD_DEBUG=help cat