general documentation
Data setting for drift scalars for coal combustion


This page provides an example of code blocks that may be used to perform a calculation with drift scalars for coal combustion.

Physical properties

Local variables to be added

The following local variables need to be defined for the examples in this section:

integer ivart, iel, ifac
integer ivar
integer f_id
integer icla
integer iscdri, keydri, iflid, nfld, keyccl
double precision xvart
double precision aa1, bb1, cc1, dd1
double precision aa2, bb2, cc2, dd2
double precision aa3, bb3, cc3, dd3
double precision aa4, bb4, cc4, dd4
double precision aa5, bb5, cc5, dd5
double precision aa6, bb6, cc6, dd6
double precision aa7, bb7, cc7, dd7
double precision visco_o2, visco_co, visco_h2, visco_n2
double precision visco_so2, visco_nh3, visco_co2
character*80 fname
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: visco
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_rom1, cpro_rom2, cpro_diam2
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_temp, cpro_x2, cpro_x1
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_ym1_3, cpro_ym1_5, cpro_ym1_7
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_ym1_8
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_ym1_9, cpro_ym1_11, cpro_ym1_12
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_taup
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_taupg

Initialization and finalization

The following initialization block needs to be added for the following examples:

call field_get_val_s(iym1(3), cpro_ym1_3)
call field_get_val_s(iym1(5), cpro_ym1_5)
call field_get_val_s(iym1(7), cpro_ym1_7)
call field_get_val_s(iym1(8), cpro_ym1_8)
call field_get_val_s(iym1(9), cpro_ym1_9)
call field_get_val_s(iym1(11), cpro_ym1_11)
call field_get_val_s(iym1(12), cpro_ym1_12)
! Key id for drift scalar
call field_get_key_id("drift_scalar_model", keydri)
! Key id of the coal scalar class
call field_get_key_id("scalar_class", keyccl)
! Number of fields
call field_get_n_fields(nfld)

In theory Fortran 95 deallocates locally-allocated arrays automatically, but deallocating arrays in a symmetric manner to their allocation is good practice, and it avoids using a different logic for C and Fortran.


Here is the corresponding code:

! Temperature
call field_get_val_s(itemp, cpro_temp)
! Gas density
call field_get_val_s(irom1, cpro_rom1)
! First initialization
if (ntcabs.le.1) then
do iel = 1, ncel
visco(iel) = viscl0
cpro_rom1(iel) = ro0
do icla = 1, nclacp
call field_get_val_s(irom2(icla), cpro_rom2)
call field_get_val_s(idiam2(icla), cpro_diam2)
do iel = 1, ncel
cpro_rom2(iel) = rho20(icla)
cpro_diam2(iel) = diam20(icla)
!----------------Gas viscosity function of temperature--------------------------
!--------------------------1-O2 2-CO 3-H2 4-N2 5-SO2 6-NH3 7-CO2----------------
aa1 = 4.0495d-6
bb1 = 6.22d-8
cc1 = -2.3032d-11
dd1 = 4.4077d-15
aa2 = 9.9987d-6
bb2 = 5.1578d-8
cc2 = -1.8383d-11
dd2 = 3.33307d-15
aa3 = 2.894d-6
bb3 = 2.22508d-8
cc3 = -8.041d-12
dd3 = 1.4619d-15
aa4 = 4.3093d-6
bb4 = 5.0516d-8
cc4 = -1.7869d-11
dd4 = 3.2136d-15
aa5 = -1.9889d-6
bb5 = 5.365d-8
cc5 = -1.4286d-11
dd5 = 2.1639d-15
aa6 = -1.293d-6
bb6 = 4.1194d-8
cc6 = -1.772d-11
dd6 = 1.8699d-15
aa7 = 4.4822d-7
bb7 = 5.4327d-8
cc7 = -1.7581d-11
dd7 = 2.9979d-15
! law mu = a + b T + c T**2 + d T**3
! so cpro_viscl(iel) = a +b*xvart+c*xvart**2 + d*xvart**3
if (ntcabs.gt.1) then
do iel = 1, ncel
xvart = cpro_temp(iel)
visco_o2 = aa1 + xvart*bb1 + cc1*xvart**2 + dd1*xvart**3
visco_co = aa2 + xvart*bb2 + cc2*xvart**2 + dd2*xvart**3
visco_h2 = aa3 + xvart*bb3 + cc3*xvart**2 + dd3*xvart**3
visco_n2 = aa4 + xvart*bb4 + cc4*xvart**2 + dd4*xvart**3
visco_so2 = aa5 + xvart*bb5 + cc5*xvart**2 + dd5*xvart**3
visco_nh3 = aa6 + xvart*bb6 + cc6*xvart**2 + dd6*xvart**3
visco_co2 = aa7 + xvart*bb7 + cc7*xvart**2 + dd7*xvart**3
! Viscosity of the mixing
visco(iel) = ( cpro_ym1_8(iel) * visco_o2 &
+ cpro_ym1_3(iel) * visco_co &
+ cpro_ym1_5(iel) * visco_h2 &
+ cpro_ym1_12(iel)* visco_n2 &
+ cpro_ym1_11(iel)* visco_so2 &
+ cpro_ym1_7(iel) * visco_nh3 &
+ cpro_ym1_9(iel) * visco_co2 )/ &
( cpro_ym1_8(iel) + cpro_ym1_3(iel) &
+ cpro_ym1_5(iel) + cpro_ym1_12(iel) &
+ cpro_ym1_11(iel)+ cpro_ym1_7(iel) &
+ cpro_ym1_9(iel))
! get x1 = 1 - sum cpro_x2
call field_get_val_s_by_name("x_c", cpro_x1)
! All gas scalars have the same drift as if1m(1)
do iflid = 0, nfld-1
! Index of the scalar class (<0 if the scalar belongs to the gas phase)
call field_get_key_int(iflid, keyccl, icla)
call field_get_key_int(iflid, keydri, iscdri)
! We only handle here one scalar with a drift per gas class
if (icla.le.-1.and.btest(iscdri, drift_scalar_add_drift_flux)) then
! Position of variables, coefficients
! -----------------------------------
! Name of the drift scalar
call field_get_name(iflid, fname)
! Index of the corresponding "relaxation time" (cpro_taupg) for the gas
! WARNING: for the gas, this tau might be negative
call field_get_id('drift_tau_'//trim(fname), f_id)
call field_get_val_s(f_id, cpro_taupg)
! Initialize to 0
do iel = 1, ncel
cpro_taupg(iel) = 0.d0
! Loop over coal particle classes
! We only handle here coal class with a drift
do iflid = 0, nfld-1
! Index of the scalar class (<0 if the scalar belongs to the gas phase)
call field_get_key_int(iflid, keyccl, icla)
call field_get_key_int(iflid, keydri, iscdri)
! We only handle here one scalar with a drift per particle class
if (icla.ge.1.and.btest(iscdri, drift_scalar_add_drift_flux)) then
call field_get_val_s(irom2(icla), cpro_rom2)
call field_get_val_s(idiam2(icla), cpro_diam2)
call field_get_val_s(ix2(icla), cpro_x2)
! Position of variables, coefficients
! -----------------------------------
! Name of the drift scalar
call field_get_name(iflid, fname)
! Index of the corresponding relaxation time (cpro_taup)
call field_get_id('drift_tau_'//trim(fname), f_id)
call field_get_val_s(f_id, cpro_taup)
! Computation of the relaxation time of the particles
! the drift is therefore v_g = tau_p * g
do iel = 1, ncel
! Simple model for Low Reynolds Numbers
cpro_taup(iel) = cpro_x1(iel) * cpro_rom2(iel) &
* cpro_diam2(iel)**2 &
/ (18.d0*visco(iel))
! Drift for the gas:
! tau_pg = - Sum_i X2_i v_gi
do iel = 1, ncel
cpro_taupg(iel) = cpro_taupg(iel) &
- ( cpro_taup(iel) * cpro_x2(iel) )
endif ! test icla
enddo ! loop on iflid